Just joined from Miami!

Thanks everyone! I'm thinking of placing an order for 9 chickens (to meet $25 min) from Ideal. My list is below. Is that too much to start with?

[COLOR=000000][COLOR=000000]Black Australorp[/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=000000][COLOR=000000]Rhode Island Red[/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=000000][COLOR=000000]Blue Cochin[/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=000000][COLOR=000000]White Only White Leghorn[/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=000000][COLOR=000000]Silver Laced Polis[/COLOR]h[/COLOR]
[COLOR=000000][COLOR=000000]Red Sex Link[/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=000000][COLOR=000000]Salmon Faverolle[/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=000000][COLOR=000000]White Silkie Bantam[/COLOR][/COLOR]

Sounds good! You might want to only start with a few less....just a suggestion.
I don't know if the laws in South Miami are the same as Miami but you might want to do a little research before you buy your chicks. From http://thecitychicken.com/chickenlaws.html

"Miami, FL. May have up to 15 hens, no roosters. But must be contained at least 100 feet from neighboring structures. So tenants and homeowners that reside in a residential zoning district cannot raise or breed chickens. Droppings shall not be used for fertilizer. All poultry or fowl droppings shall be removed from the pens at least twice weekly, wrapped in paper and placed in covered garbage cans for removal.

I sure hope this doesn't apply to your neighborhood.
Oh I think 9 is a good start for a flock. I suspect -could be wrong - there's all those different breeds because it's easier to tell 'em apart, unlike a starter flock of 9 Rhose Island Reds. :D

My first flock of 8 were all different breeds, but all "dual purpose" because I hadn't discovered how adorable bantams and the ornamental breeds could be. I knew I'd name 'em, and I could just have seen me greeting them every morning, "Good morning, Rhoda! How are YOU today, Rhoda? Lookin' good, Rhoda! Hey Rhoda, how are you this morning? Don't worry, I didn't forget you, Rhoda... Or you..."

BTW, my original RIR (named Rhoda, of course) is still with us. As is my dominant rooster, Carl. He was originally named "Carly," but turned out to be part of that 10% failure rate at sexing chicks at the hatchery.

In my current large flock, I have one or more of each of the breeds you listed, just the variations are different. My polish is White Crested Black Polish, my Cochin is black, and my sex-link gal is a Black sex-link.

So, welcome to BYC and good luck with your chicken endeavors!

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