Just joined the world of quail! Injured bird - update

Nope, they have never gone up the ramp or in the house up there. I decided that I'm not going to waste that coop if they aren't even going to use it!! So today I am building a new cage for them, I will try to remember to post pictures.
Thanks for the advice about keeping the birds apart. My chickens are free range by day, so I kind of assumed it didn't matter where I put the quail, the other poultry would have access to it. But I can definitely agree it would be best to move it outside te coop area, they would have less contact... Even if curious chicks came to check them out during the day!!
Nope, they have never gone up the ramp or in the house up there. I decided that I'm not going to waste that coop if they aren't even going to use it!! So today I am building a new cage for them, I will try to remember to post pictures.
Thanks for the advice about keeping the birds apart. My chickens are free range by day, so I kind of assumed it didn't matter where I put the quail, the other poultry would have access to it. But I can definitely agree it would be best to move it outside te coop area, they would have less contact... Even if curious chicks came to check them out during the day!!
The best way to get quail to use coops is when you FIRST get them and before turning them out anywhere, is to lock them in their coop for 2 full days. That way the see it as a comfortable place and will return. I did that with mine originally and then the new babies learned by following the others. It would probably still work for you.

As far as a ramp, quail don't use ramps. But they will hop up to the pop hole if you stack bricks or cement blocks. That is what I have done for my coop. Takes up less space and they prefer to hop up steps on the side.

Good luck!
The best way to get quail to use coops is when you FIRST get them and before turning them out anywhere

I thought if you turned quail out anywhere they woul just fly away? Could I free range them with my chickens? I was to understand unless you had a flight coup for them, you had to keep them in a coop
I thought if you turned quail out anywhere they woul just fly away? Could I free range them with my chickens? I was to understand unless you had a flight coup for them, you had to keep them in a coop
I was referring to the quail not using the ramp and up into the coop you have there. If you had originally put them in that coop and locked them in there, they would be unafraid to go inside the enclosure. If you don't get them used to the coop, they are not going to use it.

Quail are not like chickens that "roost at night in a coop". They will only use an enclosure for bad weather, (wind, rain snow, very cold temps). Otherwise they will sleep outside in their run even if they ARE used to using a coop.

My Bobs use their coop during the winter or when the weather is nasty. Other than these times, they never go in the thing. I keep my quail in an aviary and they do require an enclosure of some sort.

So if you have your quail in the pen you have shown here, they will need some sort of shelter. Lock them in the coop for a few days til they get comfortable with it, and they will remember to use it when needed.

Oh, and no free ranging, ever with quail.
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Ohh ok. So lock them in in the actual house for a while... Then let them into the caged area. That makes more sense ;p

I really appreciate all the advice everyone has given. I edited my original post, as I found an bird with a pretty bad injury, and was hopin to gain some insight on to what happened to her. Please take a look at the first post for a picture of the injury. Thank you
Wow, that looks like somebody attacked that one. You need to separate that one out and get that thing healed. Use some blu-kote or if you don't have any, use neosporin on it. Keep her in a cage with no bedding so she doesn't get any crud in that wound. No dust bathing til it heals.

Then you need to find out who is the aggresive one in the bunch. If you have too many males together they are going to fight. They need to be kept one male to 5 or so hens. Figure out who is who in there and you may need to do some sectioning off. And sometimes they still argue with each other.
That looks like a nasty one! I would agree with twocrows. Keep the hurt one separate and keep an eye on the others. Could anything get them in your coop? I had a cat attack mine once and then another quail saw the blood and kept pecking it
It looks like they are just picking on the white ones. I went back out and sat to watch, and saw them attack the white one and draw blood. I then checked the other and found a small cut on him... So now I have all the white ones separated which goes back to...

Originally Posted by BoutrosBoutrosGalusGalus
Don't stop building cages! Ever...

haha cuz now I am in serious need of more cages. I tried using an old dog kennel and found they could just pop out of it.

Well, the good news is the one in the picture is already acting better.
Does this look like adequate isolation for them? I feel bad cuz it's such a small place, but I have been checking on them and their water a lot. They seem comfortable enough. Geez, I don't think I would ever have gotten into quail if I had know I would have had injuries right off the bat!! I have never had any problems with chickens or turkeys besides normal pecking order pecks!!


That looks great to me! They still have enough room to walk around and they are fed and watered, so that was a good bit of improvising! :)

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