Just ordered my flock. Hope I did good.

Knock Kneed Hen

California Dream'in Chickens
9 Years
Feb 15, 2010
So. Cal.
I put in an order for Astraulorps (so the kids will have gentle birds), Brown Leghorns (so I will have some hardy egg layers) and Ameraucanas (so that we'll have fun seeing what they will grow into and have the surprise of what colored eggs they'll lay..I always loved those grab bags in little tourist shops when I was a kid). Finally, a Blue Cochin rooster, because I think they're stunning and would like a handsome rooster to watch over the flock.

So how'd I do?
YOu did great!

Don't be surprised when the Australorps keep right up with the Leghorns in egg production. And they are sweet birds. Easter Eggers are hilarious and not bad layers either.
Sounds like a wonderful mix..
Sounds like a good mix. Just remember though - They're not Ameraucanas, they are the mutt chicken known as Easter Eggers.
Unless you truly bought them from a reputable breeder. . .
I ordered 3 Astraulorp, 5 EE, and 2 Leghorn, plus the Cochin roo...I can take as many as five Astraulorp though. I'm trying not to be too overzealous with my first flock.
I want to be able to add some birds in a couple of years to space out the laying. Thanks for asking
Y'know...not to throw a proverbial wrench into the works or anything, but since you are awesomely lucky enough to be having a rooster....if you had a Black Australorp roo, then you could get purebred Black Australorp peeps...and if you had some Barred Rock hens, with that Black Australorp roo, you could make Black Sex Linked peeps...and a Cochin hen would likely make a good broody mom for you...I could go on all day...
The Roo is not for the ladies, he's for me!!
Just some chicken eye candy!

Too funny! Maybe I'm crazy. For my first flock I ordered 2-3 of RIR, Black Australorps, white Brahmas, and Buff Orpintons (totoal of 10). Not to mention the 3 Easter Egger hens and on EE Roo & 6 White Leghorns I pick up on Tues. Oh in that order of 10 chicks, my 8 yr old ordered an EE Bantam. Now I want to add a Black Australorp Roo and try the Sex Link idea!

Most of what I'm reading on the forums are people taking it easy with their first flocks and then adding more as they get used to it. Maybe I bit off more than I can chew, but I'm way excited, my Kids are WAY excited and I think DH is too.
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