just picked hard, compacted mass out of hens nostril-Update on post 11

Great News!! My hen does not have Canker. I did some more digging and found it to be a bit rare in chickens and did more digging and found this article after seeing an old post on here.

Here's the article about plugged nares
http://www.browneggblueegg.com/Article.html Click on "Plugged Nare (Nostril)" on the left-hand column.

This is exactly what I pulled out of my hen's nose and there are no other sores in her mouth, ears, etc.

so, thank heavens... no "incurable disease"
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Hallelujah!!! This is why I am an advocaat of not just going on ONE article or resource but to continue searching until you can find nothing else of relevance!
Thank you, Jesus!
I love these birds and was really worried. Now, the article does not say how this is caused but apparently plenty of time steaming and picking will take care of it.

I put ACV in the water to help loosen and will steam her again tomorrow.
Awesome! I am so glad that you found out what the problem is/was and that the hen will be okie dokie.

I hate it when you cannot find out what is wrong and cannot help them. This is great news...yay Hen!

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