Just processed my first bird...


8 Years
Aug 12, 2011
Southern New Hampshire
and the forums are acting up and wouldn't let me into my first post... I think I messed it up somehow...


Just did my first bird. Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. After I got the courage to cut him, it was as simple as that. I made sure I thanked him and rubbed his comb and under his beak telling him how good he was.
After he was gone, it was like nothing. No big deal after that. The smell was horrific though..had to shower to get it to go away. BLEK!

If an 18 year old girly girl can do it, so can you!
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Congrats! I'm glad to hear it wasn't as bad as you thought!

I'm working up the nerve to do two cockerels this weekend, most likely by myself. I've been reading up here all week and watched quite a few videos on YouTube today, I'm still feeling nervous but a bit more prepared as well. I know what I need for tools and what I need to set up prior to processing and how I want to do it. I thought I was going to "chicken out" for a while, but I keep going back the reasons why I'm raising my own birds and keep telling myself if I can't kill one, I really don't have any business breeding them at all. Hopefully Monday I'll be reporting back with a similar experience!
When I did mine they never had an Odor but they were tasty! I think I want to raise more for meat come spring.
And how true it is.......... good for you, us meat bird folks are proud of you........... you go girl LOl..... do they even say that anymore LOL.

In regards to the smell, caging them and hosing them down really well just before the deed helps a bunch in the smell dept.
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I hosed him down prior to dunking him in the scalding pot to get the blood/poo off.

I have 3 more to do... I will try hosing them down before hand. Thanks!

glad I'm making someone proud! DB just keeps calling me a chicken killer.
LOL don't listen to him, after those 3 you should be a pro hehehe.
Meaties were his idea. But after watching them grow he decided he couldn't kill them. So they are 7 months old now and HUGE. They live with our layers, eating all their food and pooping everywhere, so they finally had to serve their purpose. The hen has even started laying!
I'm assuming their only good for the stew pot, but I feel stronger knowing I can kill one, and could get them again in the future and kill them when their ready. I also now feel like I could cull a sick chook if needed aswell, which is good in my opinion.
My DH calls me that now after taking a chicken butchering seminar in Chichester last weekend.
Sure was tasty though, has me considering ordering cornish X or freedom rangers. Yeah, I have several roos here I can process but they're probably only good for soup now.

Way to go! Congratulations on being able to do what's needed.

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