Just sharing!


10 Years
May 13, 2009
Traverse City, MI
I just wanted to share with by BYC buddies, that reading the comments here just brightens my day. I have met and continue to meet some really wonderful people here--who share the same love--chickens and other poultry/birds! Thank you for being there and adding to somebody's day!!
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I'm glad SOMEBODY here enjoys the stuff we talk about.
At the same time, you've got to be careful who actually believe.
Some of the people here are just a little....well, I hate to admit
it, but some of the people here are just a little strange...

See the lady over there with her foot foot in her mouth and a
migraine headache? That would be Kristy. We all love her anyway,
and we're hoping she gets her meds under control. She's so pretty
without that foot in her mouth....and that foot, it looks kinda bad in
the family photos.

The person carrying their new ittsy-bitty toy car around...that would
be our Imp....claiming 45 MPG, but has to carry the car up the hill and
coast down to get decent mileage.

That crazy woman in North Carolina promising brownies to us fellers if
we'll do her farmwork....that would be Em....She's had one to many Emu
eggs fall on her head.

I'm sure we all know the Farm Boy....he's darn near famous around these
parts, he is. Sometimes he sleeps till noon, but he'll post something as soon
as he wakes up.

And dear, dear, Laura...what a tale...seems our Farm Boy sneaks over to
Laura's place and hides in her bush when he gets the chance. Could be why
he sleeps late most mornings. Laura says it's a pretty good bush, but I don't
know. You know how it is, you've seen one bush you've seen them all. I've been
hinting to her that with summer coming on, she might maybe need to trim her

Boyd...Boyd's trying to cook his new chocolate easter bunny. Most people just
eat them right out of the package, but Boyd wants to cook his this year. Looks
he would know it'll just melt in the oven. Not the brightest bulb in the bunch
sometimes. Have to keep an eye on him, we do.

Scooby...Scooby done and bought a new freezer, wondering what to do with the
old one now. Too lazy to throw it away, and convinced that it will be somehow
"freeze" her chicken feed....feeding her chickens frozen food these days, she is.

Gritty...I'm getting mighty concerned about her. She went on vacation to see her father
and we haven't heard from her since. I hope everythings okay.

I know I've not mentioned all the going's on here lately, but these ones come to
my mind just now. I know there is lots more happening on here, I just can't think of it
all right now.

Like I'm telling you, there's been some strange going's on here.

And I manage to see the most of them...setting here on the porch eating my dounts
all day, rocking away, like I do. I'm old, can't seem to do much more than set in my rocker
these day. Some days, I hurt so bad that my wife even has to push my rocking chair to
get me going. She's alot younger than I am...she's the same age as my own momma, 54.
I'm near 103 years old, I am.

Anyway Cgtara, you stop all the time and talk to us now, you hear? There's always somebody
doing something worth talking about in these parts. Why, ever once in a while we can even
slip in a few words about chickens.
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