Just throwing it out there....falconry?


9 Years
Feb 8, 2010
Does anyone practice falconry? I am really enjoy birds of prey but dont know how i feel about owning one. What are other peoples opinions on owning birds of prey
I have no objections. I have gotten to watch them hunt once..it was really neat. The costs involved pretty much mean that those that have them have the means to take care of them. As with all things there are those that do good and those that won't.
Hmmmm, I thought it was illegal to own raptors yet I know I saw something about a falconry club not long ago when I was cruising the internet so there must be a loophole somewhere. Personally, I love the idea of someone practicing the ancient sport.
I know a couple of people that used to do falconry. I always thought it might be kind of interesting, there is a raptor center the next town over from here. I love that place!
I've looked into it, but I thought that the logistics of keeping a bird of prey healthy and within in the law seemed somewhat daunting. It would also mean finding a master falconer to apprentice under. Apprentice falconers are allowed a red-tailed hawk or a kestrel. They must wild capture a first year bird. Master falconers are allowed a wider range of birds, and can buy certain birds and do captive breeding. When I was volunteering in a rehab center, I saw quite a few imprinted kestrels. They are beautiful little birds, and are easily handled, and become friendly. I think they would be an easy first bird for a falconer. Red-tailed hawks are big and powerful, and would probably be more interesting to hunt. Several major airports use falconers for bird control.

My friend who was a falconer got into quail so he had a sure supply of food for his falcon.
A sport formerly reserved for royalty. The birds had at least one full time attendant which now a days makes it sort of impractical for the average joe to give his birds the time and attention they need. I knew a couple guys who were really active in the sport but its all they did. For a living, a hobby etc.
A father of a friend of mine was into it and and I always wanted to do it. I love raptors and would love to get one. However there is no way I have the time or the money now or in the next few decades to pursue it. I have looked into it and I have heard it is like having a kid with the federal government watching everything you do. Plus they need speacially designed pens, all the permits and they need to fly for at least an hour a day. It sounds like alot of work but I really want to do it, some thing about the mutual cooperation between a human and a raptor really appeals to me. At anytime the bird can just fly away and not come back yet it stays and works for you, that is just awesome. One of the vendors at a reptile show is into it, so I should ask him wants involved and start learning and see what I can do.
mmmm does anyone know how the birds feel about it? I have seen raptors in zoos and sometimes they just look dead. Sometimes being in captivity for too long can have an animal lose its inner fire. Has anyone seen a falconer's bird first hand? Do they look happy?

mom'sfolly "Red-tailed hawks are big and powerful, and would probably be more interesting to hunt."

Thats right I love the Red Tail. Just amazing bird and in native legends the Red Tail is the Protector and Guardian of the Earth. There is one Red Tail that lives in my apartment complex and i have seen him eat 2 pigeons already! My avatar photo is of him eating a piegeon. He is very young and doesnt have his signature red tail yet.

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