Just want to check this is nothing alarming


Crossing the Road
Nov 8, 2021
Lately I've noticed Dougie's abdomen looking full- I do feel quite sure its just her egg pouch (I believe it's called?), a sign she's a good layer?
She lays normally, one egg a day, as always. Appetite great, no issues. Just looks quite large so wanted to get opinions to double check she's healthy, I'm just so paranoid with all I've heard about water belly etc etc.

I don’t know anything about that but wanted to jump in to say how beautiful she is
It does look a little bigger but she is bent over so it could just be that
I’ll let others give advise on this.
Ive noticed images online that look similar, and are healthy, so just not sure whether to be worried-- I was just looking at her tonight and thought I really should get some opinions just incase. It's always been a larger abdomen than Sprightly's. Though Sprightly is chunkier and generally rounder, so maybe less noticeable!
I have a pekin Munchkin who seems to be the same size as your Dougie. She has always had a bit of a bigger underside just like that. She’s about a year and 9 months old and she hasn’t had any issues with it! I’m no expert but I think it’s just normal, especially in pekins who are a bigger breed.
Ive noticed images online that look similar, and are healthy, so just not sure whether to be worried-- I was just looking at her tonight and thought I really should get some opinions just incase. It's always been a larger abdomen than Sprightly's. Though Sprightly is chunkier and generally rounder, so maybe less noticeable!
We both worry so much about our birds
There is nothing wrong with that at all
That just means they are well loved and taken care of :)
It's still been on my mind and I've done a bit more research on reproductive issues and ascites etc etc. I dont think anything is wrong with her, she's as happy as ever, but her abdomen still looks large to me so I'm just keeping an eye on it to be safe.

After my research, I do have some questions about ascites that I couldnt find answers to online-- if anyone could share their thoughts I'd appreciate it;

So firstly, I've heard it causes the abdomen to become tight like a well filled water balloon-is it likely to get to this stage (with the large abdomen etc) without behavioural symptoms? Such as lethargy, decreased appetite etc. Or would the bird clearly be in discomfort by the point physical symptoms are noticable?

Secondly, how quickly does it progress, and how long does it take to become fatal if left untreated?

@Aunt Angus @Miss Lydia
I have 2 Runner ducks that have bellies that are larger than their sisters. I started them on organic dried greek oregano a few months ago. Also they all get vit C powder in their drinking buckets. Neither females is acting any different than the others. They just have this larger pouch. Mine are 6.5 yrs old.
It's still been on my mind and I've done a bit more research on reproductive issues and ascites etc etc. I dont think anything is wrong with her, she's as happy as ever, but her abdomen still looks large to me so I'm just keeping an eye on it to be safe.

After my research, I do have some questions about ascites that I couldnt find answers to online-- if anyone could share their thoughts I'd appreciate it;

So firstly, I've heard it causes the abdomen to become tight like a well filled water balloon-is it likely to get to this stage (with the large abdomen etc) without behavioural symptoms? Such as lethargy, decreased appetite etc. Or would the bird clearly be in discomfort by the point physical symptoms are noticable?

Secondly, how quickly does it progress, and how long does it take to become fatal if left untreated?

@Aunt Angus @Miss Lydia
My Welshie, Marmalade, did not have any symptoms other then her large abdomen. She walked a little more slowly than her sisters, though. That was the only issue, really. I took her in very early, so I don't know how long it would have gone before becoming fatal. It must have been going on for a while for the egg material to build up like it did, but she never got an infection. I think it's the infection that is what is fatal. My vet drained her and started her on antibiotics right away. So I think it depends on how quickly infection sets in.
I have 2 Runner ducks that have bellies that are larger than their sisters. I started them on organic dried greek oregano a few months ago. Also they all get vit C powder in their drinking buckets. Neither females is acting any different than the others. They just have this larger pouch. Mine are 6.5 yrs old.
I have another photo, but its a bit blurred (shes on the left)
Her abdomen felt fairly firm last I checked, I think, but Sprightly's feels about the same.
Does she seem healthy in your opinion?

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