Juvenile Welsh Harlequins available near Atlanta, GA


Apr 30, 2021
Douglasville, GA
Never could understand what people meant by "chicken math" but I ordered 15 straight run WH ducklings from My Pet Chicken for a June 1 arrival (so they hatched slightly before then... approx 5 weeks now). I only wanted a flock of about 6 or 7 total (with one being a drake) but Id be willing to keep less and hatch out some new genetics next year. I was expecting maybe one DOA or losing some to predators or illness or newbie stupidity but I still have 15 (knock on wood). I think its safe to start finding homes for some of them now for best offer. They are an auto-sexing breed but only in the first few days of life. Some are beginning to get a very distinct dark coloring on their head but I haven't been able to find out whether that for sure means its a drake or not, they have also started quacking... but still mostly peeps and there's so many its hard to tell where they came from. There is also for sure 2 gold phase in the bunch (they are the only two I could keep track of since I got them... one drake and one hen (they're the only ones in the pictures with brown spots instead of black). From what I hear they are excellent foragers and are out free-ranging all day since June 2 so no need for a brooder anymore (before that they were locked up in their run but with some time outside under supervision). It has actually been so hot here that they sleep (locked up) in a secure run outside. They are also water proofed and are beginning to get their beautiful little spots on their feathers.



What beautiful ducks you have! I was actually looking for someone near Atlanta with Welsh harlequin ducks when I came across your post. My husband and I live in Paulding County, west of Atlanta.
We just lost our favorite duck this past week, it was a huge surprise and we weren't previously thinking of getting any more ducks for quite some time. But I've been thinking at some point we might want to add a female WH. We currently have 4 Indian runner ducks.
Wondering if at any point you were thinking of hatching again or even the possibility of selling a few eggs? We're still kind of working out what exactly we want to do but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask 😊


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What beautiful ducks you have! I was actually looking for someone near Atlanta with Welsh harlequin ducks when I came across your post. My husband and I live in Paulding County, west of Atlanta.
We just lost our favorite duck this past week, it was a huge surprise and we weren't previously thinking of getting any more ducks for quite some time. But I've been thinking at some point we might want to add a female WH. We currently have 4 Indian runner ducks.
Wondering if at any point you were thinking of hatching again or even the possibility of selling a few eggs? We're still kind of working out what exactly we want to do but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask 😊
I definitely will be hatching in the early spring or selling hatching eggs! id be open to a trade too!

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