Karki Campbell, Pekin or call ducks


In the Brooder
May 17, 2019
Hi all I am new to here and I was just wondering which is a better family friendly duck out of karki Campbell, pekin or call ducks the noise does not bother me but I do want a flightless duck as I do not want them to fly,
Of course they will be ducklings to get use to me and the kids but I have only found a pekin duck cross a Bantum duck what is the difference and what do they look like.

Thanks for answering Animalloverz
Hi all I am new to here and I was just wondering which is a better family friendly duck out of karki Campbell, pekin or call ducks the noise does not bother me but I do want a flightless duck as I do not want them to fly,
Of course they will be ducklings to get use to me and the kids but I have only found a pekin duck cross a Bantum duck what is the difference and what do they look like
Thanks for answering Animalloverz

Call ducks can fly. So unless you clip wings they can fly. Some Campbells can be flighty and nervous at times with some. Welsh harlequin are a little more docile and friendly. If you like the Campbells the Welshies are an off shoot of them.
I am new to ducks as well and got myself 6 little KC ducklings almost two weeks ago. We got 3 of them at 3 days old and 3 of them at 1 day old.
They are skittish but we have been introducing treats to them and they are slowly warming up to me and my four year old daughter and really look forward to treat time in the evening.
We also have them in a big tote in our living room. So I think it helps that they see us and hear us all the time. They also get to get used to our dogs and the dogs them.
I think they will be great family ducks when grown up. My expectations are just to have them listen to us as we plan to free range them during the day and need to be able to call them back to their house at night, and be kind to my children, and hopefully be friendly enough to take treats from us. Other than that if they want to run away from us go ahead lol.
Define »flightless duck« exactly!
I have Buff Orpington, Magpie, Indian Runner and White Layer ducks and they are all able to launch themselves into the air. They won't join the wild mallards from here to fly to the south for the winter, but they can fly high enough to get over a 1.2m (4ft) fence.
One of my Buffs was so impatient this morning that she flew straight into my face after i opened the top-part of the duck-house's door.
Define »flightless duck« exactly!
I have Buff Orpington, Magpie, Indian Runner and White Layer ducks and they are all able to launch themselves into the air. They won't join the wild mallards from here to fly to the south for the winter, but they can fly high enough to get over a 1.2m (4ft) fence.
One of my Buffs was so impatient this morning that she flew straight into my face after i opened the top-part of the duck-house's door.
Our Pekins(down to one now) we’re always too fat to fly over the 4 foot fence. Our Runner started doing it a couple weeks ago and even our special needs Rouen can do it. The Pekins are as close to flightless as you can get.

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