Keene, NH Sun. June 14th, 2009 Chickenstock @ Agway


Peaple bring what ever they have, hatching eggs, chicks, olders, started, and crafts, even home jams and stuff like that.
It is a lot of fun.
Yep...I make cold process soap and bring my soaps. $3 a bar. It is wicked fun!!

Besides Chickens....we will have...

Beekeeping supplies and Honey
18th and 19th century Heirloom seed starts
Cold Process Goatsmilk Soap
Fudge Sauce
Famous Knitter and Chicken Fanatic Melissa Morgan-Oakes (will do demonstrations so bring those needles)
Famous Cook Book Writer and Chicken Fanatic Terry Golson (with copies of her autographed books and handcrafted magnets)
I see in the thread a few others are bringing plants etc
PLUS Agway has a plethoria of plants and chicken raising supplies...what ever folks need for chickens.

I'm inviting a snow cone company....but not sure he'll be available...but we'll see!!

Did I forget anyone?

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Poyo'sMama :

I can't wait to try some of your soaps and the Honey!! Yum~
Did you have the Hubbards?

YES...I'm the Brandy aka cheeptrick with the Hubbard Golden Comets...GREAT layers!! (-: I've got you down for 2!

FYI they are from Mt. Healthy Hatcheries in Ohio!
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Poyo'sMama :

Hi Abby!!
It's Barb~do you still have the 'creeping' myrtle? Are you bringing any more plants to this Swap?
The violas and BB I bought from you are in one of my half whiskey barrels in the front and are just lovely

Hi, Barb,
Yes, i still have creeping myrtle. And yes, i was going to bring whatever plants i still have from last time. Some of everything, except the strawberries and veggies which we sold out of in Milford.
Oh, yeah, i need to dig up more chocolate mint----we sold all we took with us last time, but i have tons more in my mint patch.​
brandytab, I will bring you a pack of 18 hatching eggs. I'm currently selling in 18s for the simple reason that I am completely out of dozen containers and I'm overrun with eggs. If you can't set all 18 you can always eat the extras

OK everyone. I'm going to need some serious help for this swap and those later on. Apparently DH is a bit more upset about the Frizzle rooster than I thought. In fact somewhat more upset about all the chickens (not to mention that turkey!) coming home from the swaps. OK so I am totally understating he's more like
. He basically told me that if I buy an animal of any kind at any more of the swaps I should not bother coming home. I'm not sure he really means that literally but I think I'd best not test it. Sooooo I need everyone to agree not to sell me anything alive at the swaps for the rest of the year or until further notice. If you see me like this
smack my hand and tell me to get lost, lol. I have a problem, I can't resist cute little fur, fluff, or feather balls! So please help me curb my addiction! I do think I can still buy things that don't breath without incurring any wrath. Thanks!
I can't wait to try some of your soaps and the Honey!! Yum~
Did you have the Hubbards?

YES...I'm the Brandy aka cheeptrick with the Hubbard Golden Comets...GREAT layers!! (-: I've got you down for 2!

FYI they are from Mt. Healthy Hatcheries in Ohio!

Ah, the other Brandy~Thanks! I've heard good things about Mt. Healthy hatchery, I can't wait!!
Hi Abby!!
It's Barb~do you still have the 'creeping' myrtle? Are you bringing any more plants to this Swap?
The violas and BB I bought from you are in one of my half whiskey barrels in the front and are just lovely

Hi, Barb,
Yes, i still have creeping myrtle. And yes, i was going to bring whatever plants i still have from last time. Some of everything, except the strawberries and veggies which we sold out of in Milford.
Oh, yeah, i need to dig up more chocolate mint----we sold all we took with us last time, but i have tons more in my mint patch.

Cool!! I'll take 4 of those chocolate mint, some of the Myrtle (!remind me!)...this one's going to be fun!

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