Keene, NH Sun. June 14th, 2009 Chickenstock @ Agway

We might take the ride and see what we can sell. depending on how th eweather looks in the morning when we get up.

If we come, i have 2 white showgirls chicks
partridge silkies chick
black silkie chicks
white silkie chicks
ameraucana chicks
barred plymouth rock chick
red sex link pullet 6 weeks old
rhode island red pullet chick
millie fluer d'uccle's chicks
Rain or Shine I will be there ! I have told alot of people about the chicken swap- Agway has great visibilty and plenty of parking. I alway patronize each location that supports each chicken swap "it 's KEENE to shop local"

I 'm bringing 8 golden comets, but looking for an australorp(s) 8 weeks or older. See you all bright and early in the Morning!!!!
I am so excited about tomorrow. I am leaving work at 7am quick stop at home to pick up chicks and I will be on my way. Gonna need lots of caffeine.

I will have 2 3 wks old buff orps females and 4 3 wk old EE's also female. I might also have a blue splash cochin with me I believe it to be a rooster. He is the most beautiful chicken I own but my neighbors will turn me in if they start hearing crowing. sigh. I don't remember how old he is I got him at the milford swap.

See you all in the morning!

I will be heading out of here as soon as I get the baby bunnys packed up and the chicks, then I have to figure out if the kid and dog are going to fit inthe truck.
I am also bringing a couple of smaller rabbit cages with me for sale, they will need trays but those can be bought from Tractor supply.

I was going to bring Black Slate Turkey Poults but another stupid coon decided to make a midnight snack out of my biggest and favorite Tom. I am so mad

I am not sure which of these are tom and which one is hen so now I have to wait a few weeks to be sure.

Who had ducks, I have a woman looking for ducks. I am going to tey to text her and see what she wants, will know more by the time I get there )(I hope )(

I am still bringing straight run feather footed bantams.
Meat rabbits and french lop ( some show and pet quality available)
Look me up I will be the one with the bug red puppy.
How is it now? raining or do you guys think it will led up? only becouse i dont have a tarp and i have baby chicks. and it is 2 hours away. hope i atleast make the gas money to come back.

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