Keene, NH Sun. June 14th, 2009 Chickenstock @ Agway

I was on the fence about coming as it's a 2 hr drive but I think we'll be going as it looks like it will be lightening up by the time we get there.
She is an 8 lb maltese, and she woke yesterday acting odd. She has not eaten or drank since then, so 24 hrs now........... and she lets out a little cry now and then. we thought it might just be gas because little dogs can be so sensitive. Our other maltese had me thinking he was dying once and it was just gas
took him the the hospital and spent $100 to find out he has gas
So we waited on freaking out.....but poor little bunny is not looking good and we are really worried. the little dogs can really seem dramatic over a little thing, so we did not want to pay all that for someone to tell us she has gas, but we have no problem paying if they can help her. Its such a fine line.
has she gone potty at all either #1 or #2?
is her tummy distended, feel hard and odd?
could she have chewed soemthing up sh e shouldnt have, socks, pape towels etc?
Well, if it's not raining where you are Val, then we're all set:fl:fl:fl

Right, right??

Well i am 15 minutes south of Val and its POURING RAIN now

But anyways, chicken people are too tough to let a little rain slow 'em down

yep some of us are hardy enough to swap all winter long
She has not gone potty, the only thing she chews are chewie sticks and she did have one the night before it started. The only thing is that the little dogs dont chew as aggressivly as big dogs. The big dogs will swallow chunks, but the little ones never have done that. the tummy is thin and flat/empty, not bloating at all. And when the other maltese had gas, it was bloated and hard. We figured it was gas, but took the chance in case it was something bad. Bunny's tummy is not making a sound, so i think its really empty.
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She has not gone potty, the only thing she chews are chewie sticks and she did have one the night before it started. The only thing is that the little dogs dont chew as aggressivly as big dogs. The big dogs will swallow chunks, but the little ones never have done that. the tummy is thin and flat/empty, not bloating at all. And when the other maltese has gas, it was bloated and hard. We figured it was gas, but took the chance in case it was something bad. Bunny's tummy is not making a sound, so i think its really empty.

if her tummy isnt making any sounds what so ever , you have a problem on your hands,, even when empty , ( as in no dinner or breakfast ) you should still here the gut making noise.
Iwould be very worried at this point. I am thinking a trip to the ER vet is in order, something may be very wrong.

Edit to add, I dispise those chey sticks with small dogs, they tend to splinter them up more than larger dogs do, I am hoping there is no perferation of the bowl or gut.
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Is the rain supposed to let up this morning? my dad said if it rains we can't go... he's not gonna stand out in the rain to buy and sell livestock... silly daddy, chicken swaps are for tough animal people!

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