Keene, NH Sun. June 14th, 2009 Chickenstock @ Agway

She has not gone potty, the only thing she chews are chewie sticks and she did have one the night before it started. The only thing is that the little dogs dont chew as aggressivly as big dogs. The big dogs will swallow chunks, but the little ones never have done that. the tummy is thin and flat/empty, not bloating at all. And when the other maltese has gas, it was bloated and hard. We figured it was gas, but took the chance in case it was something bad. Bunny's tummy is not making a sound, so i think its really empty.

if her tummy isnt making any sounds what so ever , you have a problem on your hands,, even when empty , ( as in no dinner or breakfast ) you should still here the gut making noise.
Iwould be very worried at this point. I am thinking a trip to the ER vet is in order, something may be very wrong.

Well, i have heard one or 2 tiny noises, but nothing like when she eats something (people food) that she shouldn't have. But i still agree that its time. I would never normally be up at 5-5:30 on a sunday (only day with no alarm clock) except i woke and was filled with worry because there had been no change. I think i will take her out now for the first trip out today and see how that goes and then decide. Thanks for the advice. Sometime you know what to do, but need someone's opinion that is not connected to the animal.
nose is dry. ears are very warm ???

I know little about pup health - just what to do when the dog eats dark chocolate!

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I hope your sweetie feels better. Keep us posted!!!!!
K, peeps, I'm heading out. I'll be there by 9 - I'm about 1:45 away, and gotta count in a Dunks stop for CAFFEINE!

The sun is peeking here, so lets hope it peeks there!
if her ears are that hot she is running a fever, I am thinking its best to get her to a vet, I know its hard and expensive for an er visit but this isnt sounding good.
Yeah, i think its time to get her seen too. Thanks for the push you guys. I hope you all have a good time at the swap.


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