Keene, NH Sun. June 14th, 2009 Chickenstock @ Agway

Well we are home, Boy were we late or what? LOL
I am happy that i made my gas money back, it was fun seeing all the crazy chicken peaple out in the rain (includeing myself) lol , Now i know i am really chicken crazy for driveing 2 hours in the rain, LOL
So I'm home, and fed, feeling fat, happy and very tired.
Stayed late at the swap with 1ChickMagnet. So much fun today even if the heel of my cast went soft because it got wet, lol. So happy so many people came out, it was great to see everyone and to meet new people too.

So, Shay, nice to meet you and thanks for the rosemary!

Cheep, thanks for organizing this chickenstock and for convincing your pastry chef friend to come out, those cupcakes were awesome!!!

HowardAcres, thanks for the pool!!! And for telling me I was running over the plants, lol!

vnsseeds, thanks so much for the gardens and the continued supply of hot peppers. So very sorry still about those tomatoes!!!
I'm just glad I didn't break the mug!

not sure if the women with the painted slates are on here, but the one that I picked up is beautiful!

Also to the author of the Tilly book, thanks for the pin and magnet!

Did I buy anything else? What a crazy day!

Thank you to everyone who purchased my birds and eggs! I went home with just one pullet left, hopefully she will find a home at Milford!

So that's that. Now I need to go help DH out in the yard for a bit before I crash!
I am home finally lol after a few stops here and there I pulled in whined a bit and then made a much needed Coffee.
ABBY!!!!! I was only trying to steal that little pumpkin for my self, I was willing to give you Daves youngest lol. see it would be a win win situation (for me anyways)
ETA: I have been here for a while but had company and couldnt hit send
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We are home. Cheep thanks for all the work putting this one on. I would definitely come back for another one. I think the turnout was good, even with the rain, we did very well.
Sorry we didn't get to talk more.. see you in Milford?
No worries, Jen actually sold one of the 6 packs from that tray, it was right next to the squashed ones
..... like I said, if you broke the mug we would have had words
Hi, I went to the chicken swap today in Keene and got four 4(ish) week old chicks. I asked for two Barred Rocks and two Golden Laced Wyandottes. When I was half way home (1 of 2 hours) I found that one of my Barred Rocks had feathered legs. Can you tell me what breed it is?
Here is a picture of it.
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Do I get Thunder in the deal? Oh wait, I think Thunder would cost me more to feed than Will.... but maybe not, that boy can eat!!

No NO I get the little girl, Abby gets little Will and I keep the Thunder Mutt, LOL
although with his idea of having to eat socks all the time and then barfing them up when its least convienient weellllll I might have to concider it LOL.

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