Keene, NH Sun. June 14th, 2009 Chickenstock @ Agway

I see you got a wonderfull picture of my baby girl, Im still trading William for her and keeping her all to my self. lol.

I also noticed you got a picture of me and your camera survived the experience. be thankfull most dont LOL.
awesome pictures thank you for sharing them.
Gypsy, you crack me up! I better keep tight hold on my precious daughter at future swaps.
If you only knew all i went through to have her...... You'll just have to keep Will.
Besides, i already have 3 boys, i don't need anymore.
Darn! Sorry about that! I wanted a close-up of all those chicks. I don't know the people. I do remember though that that car was in the corner of the parking lot furthest from the store, near the exit that's closest to the bikeshop next door---if that helps others figure out who it was.
Gypsy, you crack me up! I better keep tight hold on my precious daughter at future swaps.
If you only knew all i went through to have her...... You'll just have to keep Will.
Besides, i already have 3 boys, i don't need anymore.

She couldn't afford to feed him

We went to Chili's last night, he ate an entire cheeseburger and fries, 2 chicken nuggets off his brothers plate and split dessert with his mom... HE IS ONLY TWO!!!

Buy more plants... I need to feed my human garbage disposal..
Gypsy, you crack me up! I better keep tight hold on my precious daughter at future swaps.
If you only knew all i went through to have her...... You'll just have to keep Will.
Besides, i already have 3 boys, i don't need anymore.

She couldn't afford to feed him

We went to Chili's last night, he ate an entire cheeseburger and fries, 2 chicken nuggets off his brothers plate and split dessert with his mom... HE IS ONLY TWO!!!

Buy more plants... I need to feed my human garbage disposal..


I have 2 grandsons that eat like that, healthy appetites, and they are rail thin, go figure.

Heck if I ever ate like that I would be larger than one of Gregs Chicken coops.

The Baby gitl is just the most precious little thing, always smiling. unlike my frowny faces.

well for an update from the doctor,
Poor Dr walked in and I looked at him and said , " Ya kow this is an ungodly hour of the morning to tell someone bad news" ( I had seen the MRI brfore he did actually)

The smarty pants looks at me and says well I do have good news,
me: oh really and what would that be
DR H: well you dont have cancer!

Me: well thats a no brainer lol

Then he proceeded to tell me I have 3 good disks, C 1, 2, 3 are perfect, the rest of the disks from 4 down to 8 are totally blown and compressed.( explains the migraines at least).
surgery is iminent,( ya huh Im thinking NOT!)
the nerve in my elbow has to be shoved back into its home.
and I have to quit smoking (gasp) before surgery can take place, ya huh like thats happening.
and the hand has to be sliced and diced too, gee can ya think of any other body part needing metal and string?
now I told him the only way he was getting into my body parts to fix all these miserable breakdowns was to do all 3 surgerys at the same time,
He explained that all 3 fat arses wouldnt fit on my arm at the same time( his words not mine btw)

so 3 surgerys, nah dont think so isnt happening, better pick one body part to play with only. make it the right choice cause ya aint bout to get a second or third whack at my body.
so needless to say it wasnt a good visit, but at least it was a funny one, I dont think I have ever had so much fun getting bad news.

Oh forgot to add, when he was showing me the MRI he was explaining about the cerebral cortex and brain stem

and he just had to say and this is the base of the brain, ' I dead panned looked at him and said, well at least I have proof there is a brian in there some where.
the look on his face was priceless
he was trying so hard not to laugh.
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Oh, I bought some chicks from that lady. I don't know who she was though

Wasn't me- we had the silver truck with blue tarp with the pictures of what the chicks would look like when adults

Tammie (spotsplus)

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