Keeping Chickens Free Range

We are having a cold snap as well. Was in the 70s on Friday and the high today was mid-20s with teen wind chills. Possible forecast of snow this coming weekend then I bet we'll be back to 60s the next week. The 4-state weather is definitely bi-polar.
We here are having nice sunny warm days...tanning and having fun with the chciekns
Oh don't you just love winters in the South. It was almost 70 at the first of the week supposed to be in the teens this week end and will probably go back up to the 60's next week.... I think the cold front some of you got earlier is moving in here today. Now I would love to see some snow, but I doubt we will get any.
Oh don't you just love winters in the South. It was almost 70 at the first of the week supposed to be in the teens this week end and will probably go back up to the 60's next week.... I think the cold front some of you got earlier is moving in here today. Now I would love to see some snow, but I doubt we will get any.

I am selling snow, cheap. All you need to do is bring a shovel to load it and a truck or trailer to haul it away... I will sell it extremely cheap so you can resell it down there and make a killing!
I know you more northerly folks probably think twenty to thirty degrees is a balmy spring day. But this is Texas, and it shouldn't be this cold this early dang it! Especially since I was working outside in tshirt and shorts just a few days ago...
Aprael, I apologize for sounding Crass. NO, I still have some Callie in me so in long sleeves or a sweat shirt around 40, recently.
I AM ANNOYED the weatherman has terrified so MANY over what is turning out to be, up here, as fiction. It HASN'T been SO deep in the - #'s here, AS HE CLAIMED, any more than I'm MOSES IN DRAG! Gggrrrr

DULUTH-- You moved from FL to Minn? I do not want to hear it. Close enough to water & Canada, you get it. Like my state, there's a rep. No Prozac, but citalopram, maybe?
Also: I have a hen that spends a lot of time in a tree in this type of weather. Doesn't come down till she's darn tooting & ready. She hasn't starved up there in 3 yrs, but/So…….
Also, sounds like the wild turkeys are still around, just up the mtn from the horses, (are an entertainment for equine). They have found something real juicy to feed on, from what it sounds like…..NO, I DON'T feed the wilds.

Leghorn peeked out from under blanket this morning when I took out hot watered down bread, feed, crumbs, etc. She was thirsty. There was some clucking when I went out to feed the dogs, poured DRY scratch onto the porch.
Supposed to, THIS BASED ON *SAME* DRAMA fed W-MAN, near 25 monday. Likely TRANSLATION, mid 30's. Hope the Warmth allows everyone, NATIONwide, to be wandering around about then~~~
Southerners, Be thankful you haven't snow or ice below the cold to drive on? ALWAYS something to be thankful for, just hard to see sometimes….
Sun out already, up 10 degrees in less than an hour~ See?!!
Aprael, I apologize for sounding Crass. NO, I still have some Callie in me so in long sleeves or a sweat shirt around 40, recently.
I AM ANNOYED the weatherman has terrified so MANY over what is turning out to be, up here, as fiction. It HASN'T been SO deep in the - #'s here, AS HE CLAIMED, any more than I'm MOSES IN DRAG! Gggrrrr

DULUTH-- You moved from FL to Minn? I do not want to hear it. Close enough to water & Canada, you get it. Like my state, there's a rep. No Prozac, but citalopram, maybe?
Also: I have a hen that spends a lot of time in a tree in this type of weather. Doesn't come down till she's darn tooting & ready. She hasn't starved up there in 3 yrs, but/So…….
Also, sounds like the wild turkeys are still around, just up the mtn from the horses, (are an entertainment for equine). They have found something real juicy to feed on, from what it sounds like…..NO, I DON'T feed the wilds.

Leghorn peeked out from under blanket this morning when I took out hot watered down bread, feed, crumbs, etc. She was thirsty. There was some clucking when I went out to feed the dogs, poured DRY scratch onto the porch.
Supposed to, THIS BASED ON *SAME* DRAMA fed W-MAN, near 25 monday. Likely TRANSLATION, mid 30's. Hope the Warmth allows everyone, NATIONwide, to be wandering around about then~~~
Southerners, Be thankful you haven't snow or ice below the cold to drive on? ALWAYS something to be thankful for, just hard to see sometimes….
Sun out already, up 10 degrees in less than an hour~ See?!!
We are having a cold snap as well. Was in the 70s on Friday and the high today was mid-20s with teen wind chills. Possible forecast of snow this coming weekend then I bet we'll be back to 60s the next week. The 4-state weather is definitely bi-polar.
Oh don't you just love winters in the South. It was almost 70 at the first of the week supposed to be in the teens this week end and will probably go back up to the 60's next week.... I think the cold front some of you got earlier is moving in here today. Now I would love to see some snow, but I doubt we will get any.
I dunno. I typically love snow, always have. But I think I had my fill of slogging through snow over my knees to take care of the chickens last winter... I think I've decided I prefer the snow a few inches and melt way of things.

I am selling snow, cheap. All you need to do is bring a shovel to load it and a truck or trailer to haul it away... I will sell it extremely cheap so you can resell it down there and make a killing!
You crack me up. You know in the "olden days" there were people who made their living cutting and hauling big ice blocks to warmer areas.
Aprael, I apologize for sounding Crass. NO, I still have some Callie in me so in long sleeves or a sweat shirt around 40, recently.
I AM ANNOYED the weatherman has terrified so MANY over what is turning out to be, up here, as fiction. It HASN'T been SO deep in the - #'s here, AS HE CLAIMED, any more than I'm MOSES IN DRAG! Gggrrrr

DULUTH-- You moved from FL to Minn? I do not want to hear it. Close enough to water & Canada, you get it. Like my state, there's a rep. No Prozac, but citalopram, maybe?
Also: I have a hen that spends a lot of time in a tree in this type of weather. Doesn't come down till she's darn tooting & ready. She hasn't starved up there in 3 yrs, but/So…….
Also, sounds like the wild turkeys are still around, just up the mtn from the horses, (are an entertainment for equine). They have found something real juicy to feed on, from what it sounds like…..NO, I DON'T feed the wilds.

Leghorn peeked out from under blanket this morning when I took out hot watered down bread, feed, crumbs, etc. She was thirsty. There was some clucking when I went out to feed the dogs, poured DRY scratch onto the porch.
Supposed to, THIS BASED ON *SAME* DRAMA fed W-MAN, near 25 monday. Likely TRANSLATION, mid 30's. Hope the Warmth allows everyone, NATIONwide, to be wandering around about then~~~
Southerners, Be thankful you haven't snow or ice below the cold to drive on? ALWAYS something to be thankful for, just hard to see sometimes….
Sun out already, up 10 degrees in less than an hour~ See?!!
No need for apologies at all! I wasn't in the least offended.
I am VERY thankful that there is no snow or ice to contend with right now! And I have learned to take whatever the weatherman says with a grain of salt. Most times it'd be about the same as going to a fortune teller to find out the weather! There is a sign thing you see around here a lot. It is a donkey with a bit of rope for a tail and is called a weather predictor. Under the donkey says:
Tail Wet = Raining
Tail Dry = Fair
Tail Still = Calm
Tail Swinging = Windy
Tail Frozen = Cold

Seems more accurate than the weatherman!!
Here in West Texas (where it is supposed to be in the 70's right now) it is 28 and will not get out of the 20's today. Then 40's tomorrow, near 60 on Saturday, then next front on Sunday with a forecast of some snow. I can not find a record of it ever having snowed in this part of the state in November.

My chickens, ducks and geese are certainly dealing with this a lot better than I. Even my tiny little Sebright Bantams are less bothered by this cold.

I still have eggs being laid every day, the Cayuga ducks have just started laying and my geese have discovered that if they really make an effort they can "fly" over their fence out into the field and range to their hearts desire.

All is right with the world...cold though it may be.
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OH, YEAH… Used to say that in OR, which now, I consider a crack up!
The tail story I have heard as a Rope on the porch. Told quite a few The rope is best way….
Now, however, I am

the pet door in the basement has been torn away. I tacked up a cloth, set a box, beach towels and what was left of Cracked corn feed sack in front of it, BASEMENT side, to keep wind from blowing in Directly onto Propane heater...
Cloth, towels covering box, feed sack ALL OVER OUTSIDE door! C. Corn Was supposed to keep horses warm till it heats up. I'm betting the barn, don't have one, it was the wild turkeys. At least 10lbs gone away. CAN and will swap it for scratch for horses, since chickens will pick out rocks that Horses COULD have a BAD time with if swallowed. I let my bigger dog out last night but not sure, if not instructed, if he'd get after them. Cleaned up what i could, cut rags so have 3 layers of flannel, wool tacked to door, AGAIN, IN & OUT THIS TIME. Danged dog is sleeping out side tonight. Will throw his fav bone outside of that door TOO.
Ironically, I just sent him after them. maybe what i THOUGHT i heard in pasture above house, was below f porch….

GET SOMETHING TO EAT, CALM myself down, undo the caps lock button…..
Oh, GOOD news is when i took a small dish of wet feed, bread out to tree where my Lone P Rock has been setting for last few days, she looked interested. Couple places it will balance so she can drop closer to get to it.
Bet i need a nap too.. 14 degrees ABOVE where the old coots's predicted……No offense to old coots….

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