Keeping Chickens Free Range


My boy and HIS Rooster! Yes, sadly my rooster has decided he loves this boy more than me! Lol, I am SO proud of him and the confidence he's shown with our 12 week old pullets and this Rooster. I really regret not doing this YEARS ago!!

My boy and HIS Rooster! Yes, sadly my rooster has decided he loves this boy more than me! Lol, I am SO proud of him and the confidence he's shown with our 12 week old pullets and this Rooster. I really regret not doing this YEARS ago!!

While that is cute and it is great your son and rooster are "friends" just remember a rooster that loses "fear or respect" for people can turn on them especially on smaller people.

JJ my Tom is sweet as punch my grandkids love him, but I would never allow them to be near JJ without me there. No Male farm animal can be trusted completely.

I know many will think I am way off base, I grew up in farm country and live here still. When I was a kid there were many a farmer that had pieces missing or where laid up by a male farm animal they turned their backs on..

Just becareful is all I am saying.
So, since I'm only 15, I don't have a say in what is being put into our lawn. All I know is it's Scotts brand fertilizer and etc. Our lawn is weed free but we still want chickens...and we want to free range them. How long do you think it might take the treatment to lose its main chemicals? Thanks
So, since I'm only 15, I don't have a say in what is being put into our lawn. All I know is it's Scotts brand fertilizer and etc. Our lawn is weed free but we still want chickens...and we want to free range them. How long do you think it might take the treatment to lose its main chemicals? Thanks

Check the labeling, for a website. I think I read something on the bag of Scotts I had earlier this year. Find a way to contact the makers of Scotts themselves, to ask about the safety of animals.You could try asking a Local feed store, that sells chickens also.. If you get Grown chickens, do You have a way to keep them off the lawn for a while? Chicken poop can burn lawns, as I recall. If you get chicks, it will be while before they can handle the outside world. Good Luck. NO such thing as a Stupid Question!
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Check the labeling, for a website. I think I read something about on the bag of Scotts I had earlier this year. Find a way to contact the makers of Scotts themselves, to ask about the safety of animals.You could try asking a Local feed store, that sells chickens also.. If you get Grown chickens, do You have a way to keep them off the lawn for a while? Chicken poop can burn lawns, as I recall. If you get chicks, it will be while before they can handle the outside world. Good Luck. NO such thing as a Stupid Question!

I do not disagree with anything but this, I have seen some pretty stupid question in my lifetime.......
Well, I've found eggs in all three of the pet carriers I have lined with straw. Friday was a 5 egg day. One was fertilized, which blows me away since New Roo is only about 5-6 mo old. Older one is Mini Bantam, TINY!
Y-day Nothing. About to send the Mini Bantam Roo to Freezer camp. One of the RIR is a Roo, so not needing His ankle attacks.
Nutty neighbor stole a game camera, Bought JUST for her trespassing. Seriously considering moving back West. At least not have to drag through arm pit deep insecurities. Likely have to sell them here, no chickens allowed inside city limits at other locale.

DID find a more friendly Neighbor basking in a cool trough, though~~~~
I do not disagree with anything but this, I have seen some pretty stupid question in my lifetime.......

He's a kid, a starter on Chickens. You're being onery, Ralph.
Yes, there are some that don't THINK before they open thy mouths.
"It's not the blond moments, It's the consistency.." And MOST are Not blond, by Nature. The stories i could tell...
Well, I've found eggs in all three of the pet carriers I have lined with straw. Friday was a 5 egg day. One was fertilized, which blows me away since New Roo is only about 5-6 mo old. Older one is Mini Bantam, TINY!
Y-day Nothing. About to send the Mini Bantam Roo to Freezer camp. One of the RIR is a Roo, so not needing His ankle attacks.
Nutty neighbor stole a game camera, Bought JUST for her trespassing. Seriously considering moving back West. At least not have to drag through arm pit deep insecurities. Likely have to sell them here, no chickens allowed inside city limits at other locale.

DID find a more friendly Neighbor basking in a cool trough, though~~~~

I gave a rooster to Holm, it had a 6 week old son before it was 6 months old! It is amazing how fast a rooster can reproduce...Little rabbits.... I am never onery.. I am sweet and luvable,,,just ask me!!

BTW I did not think his question was stupid at all. Matter of fact it was a very good question.
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So, since I'm only 15, I don't have a say in what is being put into our lawn. All I know is it's Scotts brand fertilizer and etc. Our lawn is weed free but we still want chickens...and we want to free range them. How long do you think it might take the treatment to lose its main chemicals? Thanks
You might not have a say in what is put in your lawn, but you can do some research, and gently suggest that your lawn and your family and your pets would be more healthy without fertilizer (it only makes the grass grow faster, so you or your dad will have to spend even more time mowing it!) or pesticides/herbicides (many of which are endocrine disruptors = very bad for all living organisms. They also kill the beneficial organisms in your lawn, rendering the soil "dead" which makes it very difficult for it to support healthy life) Don't trust the company that produces this stuff to tell you how safe it is, cause they will give you a sugar coated fairy tale. Find out what ingredients are in it, contact your county agricultural extension office and ask them if these chemicals are harmful to chickens who would be free ranging on your property. Ask how long you should wait between application and allowing chickens to range, and if their eggs would be safe to eat at that time. As far as chicken poop burning your lawn, I've free ranged up to 25 birds in my yard, and the only thing they've done is make the grass grow faster and much greener... except for the areas where they've made their dust baths!!! You'll have fun with your flock. If you can't convince your parents to give up their nasty chemicals, you can keep a small flock in a coop/run with deep litter and give them plenty of greens.
I gave a rooster to Holm, it had a 6 week old son before it was 6 months old! It is amazing how fast a rooster can reproduce...Little rabbits.... I am never onery.. I am sweet and luvable,,,just ask me!!

BTW I did not think his question was stupid at all. Matter of fact it was a very good question.

"Never Onry" And I'm Moses In DRAG...
Oh, boy. I was considering moving too. Maybe why I'm not getting many eggs? Course, the hens are accounted for thought out the day, Not brooding from what it looks like, NOT many eggs either....96 today, shoot...
SOMEBODY is posing as my 'You need more exercise' DR..

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