Keeping ducks and chickens together

So our baby chicks are roughly 4 weeks old... We want like 2 ducks.. Will we have to separate them until the ducks get bigger? Or what should we do? I just feel like if we wait until next spring, they will also be too young and I wouldn't know how to introduce them to each other.. Please help and give me any info you can.
And I also heard that ducks were very mean.. One of the meanest types of birds out there. Is this true? I don't want to ruin my flock by getting a few ducks. Thanks for any future posts and suggestions.
Mine are together, there is a roost bar above that the chickens use and the ducks take the bottom althoght the chickens don't always roost. At night usually the chicken put them selves away at dusk and the ducks wait til after dark before heading up the ramp.
Will it be bad to mix 1 week old ducks with 4 week old chicks? Any idea? Should we keep the chicks and ducks seperated until older age of the ducks ?
I keep my ducklings separated from my chicks because the ducklings are extremely messy. They are much larger than my chicks too. I found that using a rabbit water bottle with the ducklings helps to reduce the mess, but they also have access to a small water bowl to clean themselves.
Kinda of answered my question. Bought my eight chicks and two ducks, a year ago now. Unfortunately one night forgot to put the ducks back into the Coop which is inside a 12 x 12 foot dog runner. One got gone the other I saved. He/she is bigger than all my hens but thinks he/she is a chicken. I'll take him out so he can swim in a baby pool or just run-off water in the yard. He can not wait to get back to his friends and they all try to poke their heads through the fence to get to him. It's amazing how animals adapt.
I read that if you have ducks with your chickens they will help perfect your chickens from hawks. Does anyone have any experience with this. Really getting tired of this hawk going after my chickens and chicks.

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