Keeping other livestock out of duck feed (goats)


In the Brooder
Apr 9, 2022
I do not have space to segregated ducks & goats. What are some unique ways to put duck feed out so the ducks have easy access but the Nigerian Dwarf goats can not get to the duck feed? Please post picture with suggestions & comments. I lack imagination & do not have the ability to come up with something but if I see a useful tool I can retrofit it to my area.

Immediate help needed!
Holes in bucks with plastic plumbing pipes. I have not done it but I believe 45 angles. You would need to fasten it down and use pipes to small for goats, but big enough for ducks.
Holes in bucks with plastic plumbing pipes. I have not done it but I believe 45 angles. You would need to fasten it down and use pipes to small for goats, but big enough for ducks.
Kid goats have very tiny mouths, one of them are the reason for this post, I use pvc for their minerals. How small is small enough for a duck?
The ducks have to eat under a shelf low enough that the goats can't reach - but high enough that the goats can't just stick their heads down where you fill it to get at the feed. The shelf has to be strong enough the goats don't head but it out of the way.

Otherwise, the goats eat the poultry feed, and the birds eat the goat feed.
The ducks have to eat under a shelf low enough that the goats can't reach - but high enough that the goats can't just stick their heads down where you fill it to get at the feed. The shelf has to be strong enough the goats don't head but it out of the way.

Otherwise, the goats eat the poultry feed, and the birds eat the goat feed.
Then the feed would have to come from the other side of the wall & the ducks would have to have access to an area under a secluded place to eat because they are terrified of the goats & goats are bullies by nature. So run the feed pipe through the wall into their crate under a shelf & lock the crate when feeding because goats can get in crate & under all shelves. A dwarf goat at full grown is 23" tall.
The ducks have to eat under a shelf low enough that the goats can't reach - but high enough that the goats can't just stick their heads down where you fill it to get at the feed. The shelf has to be strong enough the goats don't head but it out of the way.

Otherwise, the goats eat the poultry feed, and the birds eat the goat feed.
Good idea though! I can work with it-Thank you!
I would make a cube of a fence, small openings just big enough for a hen to get through, far enough away from the feed so that a goat can't stretch and reach it. Might put a right angle turn so a kid goat can't worm its way in too.

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