Keeping run healthy


6 Years
Oct 5, 2013
Hello everybody!

I have a pen of Polish, who cannot be let to free-range. They have two pens, that are connected. One of them contains the coop, and that is my problem. It has a mound of dirt in the middle, that is really hard packed. I've been treating the birds for lice, and it has rained some, so I have a pile of hard dirt with diatomaceous earth in it. They are messy eaters, so when it rains, the entire place becomes a slimy swamp. Their other pen is a 'natural' area with leaves, and such. I don't put any food or water in there, for the sake of cleanliness. (it is up-hill.). Do you have any suggestions to make the pen nicer, and to keep it from becoming gross when it rains?

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