Keet with splayed leg maybe?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Dec 29, 2008
I have a keet with one leg that likes to trail along behind it. Now if it wanted to stick out horizontal I would hobble it with tape and in a couple of days it would most likely be fine. But I don't know how to treat the poor thing with its trailing leg. I think the problem is in the one hip.

It will sit on its knees and then stand up try to take a couple steps and trip on his foot that is trailing behind. He has trouble getting to his food and water, so I need to find away to help him because he is just so cute and adorable, and I would appreciate advice for the little guy.
Dunno if you'd call it the same thing but splayed legs can go backward. Taping the legs together can help the problem if that's the case. The difficulty though is that it may just pull both legs back instead. I have a hen that somehow injured a leg and as it started to heal it was sticking out sideways like a splayed leg chick. I taped her legs together and somehow she got the tape off and the leg stuck out behind her now. I taped it again and now it's mostly under her. I've had a few quail chicks though where the leg that was back just pulled the other leg back and then both legs were stuck behind the chick. I tried wrapping the legs tucked up under the body instead and hand feeding those chicks but they've never made it. It could be other problems or damage with it's leg though. It's hard to say. You could try treating it like splayed leg and just keep a close eye on what happens. It only takes a day for something to go wrong or the other leg to become bad from your efforts so watch closely.

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