
Where did you get your first guineas Peeps?
My very first Guineas came from a local friend that raised them for snake and bug control, told me they were great... and dumped seven 12wk old Pearl Greys off on me. I had no clue such ugly and noisy creatures even existed
Is there a little clickable arrow at the top right corner of the text box (where you type) that says Expand Toolbar when you hover over it?
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I got it now lets get some pics.

In other news I had a little scare this morning.I went out to feed up and one of my little guineas was gone I searched everywhere for it and then my mom called me to help her with her chickens.Thats when my little baby guinea started hollering and I found it in the woods!!!
This is the one missing

All three.By the way that's a black chick.

No... that keet turned out to be a darker colored Buff (a Hen).

My Blonde keets look like this:

See how the head stripes on this Blonde keet are 2 shades of darker tans, compared to the cream and tan on the Buff?

Nice coloring job on the pic!
Ugh... I know I know. Next season I will have a new flock of just Chocolates, Blondes and Buffs... and I might sell off a lot of my Pieds and Browns to get my numbers down. I love all my pretties tho, so it's hard for me to part with them/find perfect homes for them. I just can't have everybody mixed cuz the hatches are too random, or go all one direction of colors and not the other. To make matters worse there is no level ground on my land, and it's very rocky, so building new coops/pens is a major chore. I need to invest in a big Cat and level the whole 10 acres, lol

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