Kentucky Chicken and Peafowl traders HERE!


11 Years
Dec 6, 2008
Eubank KY
Hello my name is Dalton Blake L. and i am a new chicken farmer and hopefully sometime this spring a new peafowl farmer too.

I have 1 Barred rock Rooster and 2 White leghorn roosters that have been somewhat fighters the third one died on Dec. 3rd because of fighting. I have 24 Barred rock hens and 25 White Leghorn hens that are doing great with laying their first eggs. I got my first egg on Nov.30 from the whitelegs. Hopefully i can find some Blue Indian Peacocks this spring but i want them now. lol!

Now try to keep the message going!
yes i am from Kentucky and i am actually in Somerset. Say have you ever been to the Russel Springs auction for sheep chickens and goats it's really popular. Oh and what kind of chickens do you have?
WOW you have beautiful peacocks! My fav. is the White peacock with its feathers spread it's gorgeous!
wow thanks that's amazing. He is one beautiful peacock. Say are you wiling to sell or barter with em'? if you would take a lookat my stock on my signature or gime a price. i will sure ask if i can have em'!
There is already a KY Traders thread, if you want to take a look at that. Also there is a KY people thread as well.

I have been to the auction at Sano. There are usually quite a lot of sellers there. But there are a lot of really bad looking birds that show up, so you need to be really careful if you buy anything there. There is just about nothing there right now, but they should pick up again this spring. I have bought quite a few animals there, and been very lucky with not getting any sick ones. cthrash1 is also in Somerset. chiknmama and I are in Columbia. You will find a lot of local people in the KY people thread.

KY traders link:
people link:

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Im in Southern Indiana, But I like to visit the Ky. Threads since Im just across the river. Grew up in Louisville.
I havent been to the auction, But I did just learn about it recently from one of the Ky. threads. I will visit it when it warms up out some.

WOW, Those peacocks are beautiful!! I like that white one the best too!!

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