Khaki calls!?

Well I won the pair now I just have to tell the hubby. or I could let the po tell him.

It will all work out I'm going to sell the white pair. I find myself wanting to wash them non stop.

So these are the replacements.
Congratulations! I really want to see a picture when you get them, please. I had to sell all of my Calls but will have them again when I can. I have one boy left and i am keeping him. I am subscribing to this topic waiting for pics!
This will be him
He is use to me doing that. He knows when I buy something he ends up getting more of his breeds or something.
at lease Im swapping them out.
I will be posting pictures as soon as I get them.
Cant wait now that I won them.
Thanks everyone.
But calls are to addicting not to have!

Seems to me its a win win situation! You get your calls and he gets whatever bird he wants.

Hopeing for a speedy and safe shipping trip for the little guys!

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