Kids and chicks


7 Years
May 23, 2013
Can my chicks catch strepp from my grandkids?
My 8 week old chicks have been fluffed up and stumbling around in their brooder. I have lost two of them. Three of them appear to have perked up some, they are eating again and not as fluffed up. In order to treat them, I started by adding apple cider vinegar to their water. Their butts had some poop on them but vent was not blocked. I also added corid to water. I have one that is fluffed up with head tucked down under breast.
No on the strep. Most diseases are specific for the animal. Coccidiosis can be a problem at that age, and it can cause lethargy, hunched or puffed up appearance, refusal to eat, weakness, and runny poops which may or may not be bloody. Take the ACV out of the water, and just use the Corid for 7 days. Dosage is 1 1/2 tsp. of the powder, and 2 tsp of the liquid Corid per gallon of water. How soon before they are out on grass or in a coop? Keep their bedding free of droppings and dry. Keep waterers at should height. At 8 weeks they shouldn't need a brooder.
they are actually in a wire cage in the garage. the windows are open. Up until two days ago, they were on newspaper base with straw that I changed weekly. I have now gotten rid of the newspaper and straw. this is how I have raised most all of my chicks after the first six back in '13. the only difference I can think of is the fact that my grandkids were never sick before when visiting. This time they had both been ill with strepp.
Their water is in two seperate smaller waterers . I didnt mix corid and ACV.
@Eggcessive is right....most likely coincidence. Unless they were swappin' spit with the chicks, (eeww) transmission isn't likely even if they could get it. I'd do exactly as advised, and make sure too that the garage area is free of any off-gassing from yard or auto chemicals or fuels. Their respiratory systems are more sensitive to that sort of thing than ours are. Good luck!
All of the gardening equipment is kept out in shop. Just extra freezer, train for kids and workbench in garage with chicks.

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