Kids and processing//death etc

A little late to the convo but 100% agree with everyone else. As a kid my Grandparents raised cattle. They always had farm raised beef. While we never saw the processing because Grandpa took them to the butcher for all that, Grandpa was very open about where the beef came from and not to get attached. He would even make jokes at the dinner table "That's Rosie you're eating" -Maybe don't do that part lol

Well now that I have kids of my own, we have also raised our own cows and other farm animals. It is made clear to my kiddos that we love them while they are here, treat them well, and then they become food to feed our family. We have never had any issues.
Be prepared during random meals questions will be asked though. My oldest daughter will out of the blue ask questions like "Was this the Bull". She isn't bothered by it just curious. I'll answer something along the lines of "yes, it is, doesn't it taste amazing? I think we did such a good job raising him." and she agrees but most of the time asks if I can leave out the veggies :lau

I wish you luck!
Now that everyone has said it, it’s really obvious that you should just be up front with them. I think sometimes it’s so easy to discount how resilient they are. Next year we will be starting all that from the very beginning and hopefully there won’t be any issues. Thanks for responding!!
I remember my parents processing birds when I was younger.....the death thing apparently to me was funny...a bird flopping around without its head I was laughing...then few minutes later crying lol do i remember eating said birds I do...chewy asf which now i do my own they had the water to hot when they processed which caused the chewyness they used a chop block and ax.....I use a cone and clever so much cleaner and less flopping.
When my city parents moved in next door to my first DH and me on some acreage, Dad decided to get a ittle butcher calf and raise it up to eating size. Mom, though she'd been raised on a farm, was less than enthusiastic about it. I told her it was only fair. We'd feed the calf for a year, then he'd feed us for a year.

She was not amused. :lau

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