Kids opened the bator and its day 20, egg started to pip 20 min later!!


7 Years
Jul 11, 2012
Apollo Pa, 15613
Hi everyone!!! It has been soooo long since I spoke to all yall. Ok so!!!! This is my 2nd time hatching eggs in my bator ( Havo Bator ) and the first time 9 out of my 10 eggs hatched!!
This time I have 14 in there and on day 19 when I went in lock down I candled them all and everyone was moving.... NOW, my little stinker opened the bator and the temp and humidity dropped
, but once it was shut it went right back up real fast. Mine has a fan in it I think it helps. Ok so she opened it and its day 20, everything dropped but went right back up.... BUT THEN I had an egg pip after about 20 minutes!! Has this happened to anyone before
? I hope I wont have any shrink wrapped babies!! Its peeping at me so that's a big plus! Any info???
I actually often open to check things during the last few days. It is possible that a few may be shrink wrapped but I think they should be okay as long as the humidity is back up and it stays up. Congrats on your previous hatches and good luck with this one!
Mine gets opened all the time during hatch and I still get a good hatch. A fast open and closed doesn't seem to hurt much.

I hatch eggs so the kids can learn. If one or two die the kids can learn from that too.
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We now have 4 pipping eggs... just the littlest cracks in the shells is all. Nothing has changed with the first pipped egg, but hoping for the best and they ALL zip SOON!!!!
OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY!!!!!!!!!! Exciting every single time! Probably will hatch in the middle of the night!

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