Kiki's 2021 New Year's Day Hatch

Happy thoughts. Positive vibes. If you see movement and the veins are still strong, don't worry. See if the little guy pulls through.
The veins look bad, I swear they do.
They were moving really slow but not they are not so slow.
I think they fooled me into thinking they were dying.
How many does she think she wants? Besides, you pulled half clears from the first group. I doubt she will get 16 chicks out of your 16 eggs.
I pulled 8 clears which left me with 6.
I was sure the power outage offed all 6 so she gave me 10 more.

We figured that only half or less of the 10 would be fertile.

Maybe I should just off all 10 eggs now before I figure out if they are fertile or not.

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