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If anyone out there prays, please add my Mom and DS and DD to your prayers. Mom is in the end stages of cancer and my 2 kids are very torn up about it.
Thank you
I'm so sorry Urs. I will be praying for peace.
While we're at it, my husband's grandfather just had a stroke. He is doing okayish for now but it's hard to see him lose his mental ability and independence.
Anyway, you'll be in my thoughts. ❤
I'm sorry Urs. I will be praying for peace.
While we're at it, my husband's grandfather just had a stroke. He is doing okayish but it's hard to see him lose his mental ability and independence.
Anyway, you'll be in my thoughts. ❤
@Tesumph Thank you, I will keep your husband's grandfather as well as y'all in my prayers as well. Hope all goes as well as possible for him :hugs
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