Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

I hate to break this to you... but I don't think you're going to be able to convince the horses to go broody.
I don't think that would go well.

They do, but the only horse 'eggs' I know usually have flies on them.:(
That is why you need chickens, to eat the fly maggots.

It takes me all of 4 seconds to candle an egg.
Right now I don't see the problem with handling the egg for this short period of time.
I may change my mind. :confused:
They are going to need sun glasses!

I can't help it. Those are their names. That's what I really call them.:woot
Take care to mark them when they hatch, otherwise you might use the wrong names later.

I'm an OKIE. The recipe is from a friend in North Carolina.
Black Bear meat needs to be marinated overnight and then roasted. Cover with milk. Add a tablespoon of meat tenderizer and sliced onions, chopped garlic, salt and pepper and a little Worcestershire.
Brown in a little olive oil in a cast iron skillet. Loosely cover with foil and then roast at 300 degrees until a fork pulls it apart.
Make sure you cook it well, bear can carry trichinosis. You do NOT want trichinosis.

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