Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

I'm so glad to get rid of the bantam cross boys. I think they are secret members of MS-13. I need to check them for tattoos. Seriously. Rotten little hoodums. They are okay with me but total jerks to other roosters and some of the hens also, pulling out feathers, etc. I watched two get into a spat and then the winner spent the next 15 minutes chasing the looser around the pen and grabbing him by the hackle feathers and whipping him around.

I told DH I wanted to breed gentleness into my birds not gang initiation techniques.
I'm so glad to get rid of the bantam cross boys. I think they are secret members of MS-13. I need to check them for tattoos. Seriously. Rotten little hoodums. They are okay with me but total jerks to other roosters and some of the hens also, pulling out feathers, etc. I watched two get into a spat and then the winner spent the next 15 minutes chasing the looser around the pen and grabbing him by the hackle feathers and whipping him around.

I told DH I wanted to breed gentleness into my birds not gang initiation techniques.
You are killing me tonight.
I didn't make past the second sentence without laughing really loud!
Yeah, I think I'm in a rare mood because I went shopping today and actually found a bra that fit. Seriously, at my age, I don't want perky I want wrestled into submission!
Good bras are awesome!
Makes you want to wear them when they fit right.

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