Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

eggs duh, eggs duh, eggs more, eggs hatch, eggs duh!
Hes 28... Does all the laundry too. He just Got his BA in Geology with a minor in English. He was offered a letter of recommendation for an MFA in creative writing...

He is helping with Grandma who is 101.... till he starts his job. He will be working at first as a Guest Services Associate on the Midway Museum. hes also got apps in for internships for various places that can use a geologist. Right now though He just wants something other than school....

:clap:clapGO MOM!!! You must be so proud!
I hope I can raise good ones as well as you!
:eek: How old is your son and how did you get him to COOK for you?!! I'm assuming he's over 20 and that I have at long while before my boys will do such a thing...
My 12yo boys cook. It takes longer when they help, of course, and left to their own devices, they concoct some interesting things. But, cooking is a life skill they've quit teaching at school and there is no way I'm letting them go out in the world having no clue how to take care of themselves. They can sew, too, and have basic carpentry skills. My middle school offered electives in all of those things (plus pottery making!), theirs has zero.

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