Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

A lot of us here are short, I am 4'11 1/2" tall so Kiki says we are midgets. :lau:lau:lau
Oh goodness! I just read this!

Can I hug you?:hugs

I'm barely 5'2" tall. Do you know how hard it is for an adult of below average height to find other adults who are shorter than you are?

I HATE being short but hey, I'm almost 65. Odds are I'm not going to grow any more, sob.:hit

I've gotten used to being short but I HATE it when I can't reach stuff on the high shelves of the grocery store. Y'all who are height challenged know what I'm talking about. They have put your favorite brand of 'Nilla Wafers on the top shelf and to make matters worse, they are almost out and there is only one box left and its waaaaaay back and you can just almost reach it if you stand on your toes. Out of desperation you climb on the bottom shelf and when you are just about to almost be able to grab that bleepin box a 6'4 clerk that is about 17 years old (Seriously, 17? I have socks that old) comes by and while I am precariously hanging onto the shelves with my toes balanced on the edge of the bottom shelf, he grabs that lone box of cookies and calling me the dreaded 'Ma'am', hands them to me with a chipper 'let me get those for you'.

There is almost an unspoken 'shorty' at the end of that sentence.

Oh well, at least he didn't call me 'grandma'. If he had I would have beat him with my cane.....:old
Oh goodness! I just read this!

Can I hug you?:hugs

I'm barely 5'2" tall. Do you know how hard it is for an adult of below average height to find other adults who are shorter than you are?

I HATE being short but hey, I'm almost 65. Odds are I'm not going to grow any more, sob.:hit

I've gotten used to being short but I HATE it when I can't reach stuff on the high shelves of the grocery store. Y'all who are height challenged know what I'm talking about. They have put your favorite brand of 'Nilla Wafers on the top shelf and to make matters worse, they are almost out and there is only one box left and its waaaaaay back and you can just almost reach it if you stand on your toes. Out of desperation you climb on the bottom shelf and when you are just about to almost be able to grab that bleepin box a 6'4 clerk that is about 17 years old (Seriously, 17? I have socks that old) comes by and while I am precariously hanging onto the shelves with my toes balanced on the edge of the bottom shelf, he grabs that lone box of cookies and calling me the dreaded 'Ma'am', hands them to me with a chipper 'let me get those for you'.

There is almost an unspoken 'shorty' at the end of that sentence.

Oh well, at least he didn't call me 'grandma'. If he had I would have beat him with my cane.....:old

Many times while shopping people ask me to grab things off the top shelf. I'm always happy to help & have never added the word shorty to the sentence (not even silently.) :lau My mom is height challenged too. Growing up too tall means your pants are always at flood length & you can never wear heals because 95% of your dates are already shorter than you. At 48 I've finally stopped growing 'up' & have started growing 'out'. :barnie:he
lol ALL this tallk about height... Mom and grandma are 5 foot ish.... My Dads mom was six foot one Grandpa was five foot 7.... All my dads sisters were 5' -7 or-8 dad was six foot.

I am 5'-7.... though I am getting shorter.... dammmit.... The deal is I am like my dads side of the family from the waist up and height wise.... From the waste down I am like my Moms side of the family.... Farm Stock... Big ankles and calves and legs... as in Diameter.... Behind too.... even when I was thin I used to have to buy separates because I wore a size larger for pants and such than my shirts and blouses.

being heavy has its issues... judgemental looks when you eat at a restaruant... Assumptions that you are less intelligent than you are.

That one was a big one. At one point I lost 56 pounds in 26 weeks.... ONe fellow I worked with and really detested... Gave me a complement.... 'Have you cut your hair?" he asked... I said No... and he said you look so much more intelligent now....

The gal I was talking with just stared at him as he went down the hall. "Want me to slap him up for you?" We both laughed.... She was five foot nothing and 99 pounds soaking wet....

There are very fond memories of working there.... Lots of stories... Brilliant people some celebreties.. One guy had won an emmy for designing a camera that could go up mount everest...

My mom is 5'4" and was the tallest in her family. My dad is 6'1" and his family is all taller than average. My brothers and I take after his side. Interestingly, my 6'1" brother was always tall but the 6'2" brother was shortest in his class (as was I) until a relatively late growth spurt. I didn't reach full height until 17 and he was probably growing until 19 or 20. Family gatherings can be awkward with half the extended family being giants and the other half being hobbits. :lau
My mom is 5'4" and was the tallest in her family. My dad is 6'1" and his family is all taller than average. My brothers and I take after his side. Interestingly, my 6'1" brother was always tall but the 6'2" brother was shortest in his class (as was I) until a relatively late growth spurt. I didn't reach full height until 17 and he was probably growing until 19 or 20. Family gatherings can be awkward with half the extended family being giants and the other half being hobbits. :lau
If I try to move Miss Badness the broody back into her broody pen (as it will be safer for the chicks) would it be best to move her right after she hatches her eggs or 1 or 2 days after the first chick hatches. I am afraid to move her now as she is so close to hatch date and when I first moved her into the broody box and first placed eggs under her, at daybreak she refused to sit on them anymore, insisting on brooding back in the coop nest she had been sitting in for a few days on fake eggs. She has stayed on the coop nest with her real eggs with no problem so far, But I am afraid the chicks won't be safe in the coop. And she will be unhappy if I pen her in a small space. Unhappy means yelling her head off and running around the small space instead of caring for chicks.
I ASSUME there is no space in the nest for food and water?? Since hens do not feed chicks, I would move them to the brooder area after they hatch. My guess is that once they are hers she will stick with them no matter where you put the family. And they obviously don't need to be moved ASAP since chicks born and shipped "today" don't usually get to their new homes with food and water for a couple of days.

I'm a giant, or close to it. I'm 6'1" and female. I'm about 4 inches taller than my DH. I have a sister (full sister) who is 5'1" and is a professional jockey. We joke that I stole her 6 inches.
Only if you were born first ... or had a time machine.

I vaguely remember calling them baby onions as a kid... they kind of resemble
white clover resembles baby onions?? Not that I've seen. That must be a REALLY small dog or some mutant clover.

I've gotten used to being short but I HATE it when I can't reach stuff on the high shelves of the grocery store. Y'all who are height challenged know what I'm talking about.
Short people have their place too, they can see the stuff on the bottom shelves tall people can't. Isn't getting any easier to get down on the floor to see if there is one or two of what you want WAY in the back of the bottom shelf. If I see the last couple of something in the back of the top shelf, I pull them forward. And it doesn't matter if I want that item or not.

but the 6'2" brother was shortest in his class (as was I) until a relatively late growth spurt.
Me too. 5'6" when I got my license at 16, 6' 2" at 18. It was a very uncomfortable 2 years.

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