Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

Sorry to derail the thread, but a momentous occasion just happened! Momma took the baby outside! This baby is 2 weeks old! I almost messed myself when I kept hearing the peep peep peep! Baby followed momma right back up the ramp like a champ.
Sorry, I am so late checking in, but this has been my morning (DH is off today and giving me a short break): This morning we got up to the good hen with 2 Blue Marans, and she was in full on teaching mode, leaving her clutch of 6 other eggs, 3 had pipped and were peeping, the other 3 we candled and saw nothing but blackness. Placed all 6 under Miss Badness for a total of 12 in her clutch now. At least 3 of her clutch have hatched I think and they appear to be FBCM. Am trying to take some pictures that I hope to be able to post tonight. Miss Badness will have to be moved to the broody cage DH made for her tonight for the safety of the chicks. The nest she wanted to brood in is too high and I am afraid the chicks could fall and hurt themselves. So we are taking turns watching until dark.
Who ever said Miss Badness would make a great mother was correct, she is trying to keep the chicks that have hatched from leaving the nest until the others hatch. Must be getting rather crowded under there poor thing.
My hen who left her clutch for the 2 that hatched has taught them to eat, drink and has taken them into their private run for scratching lessons.
We are worn out already. LOL :thWill have to catch up on the threads I have been following when I have a chance to read all day. :lau:lau
Again, thanks to all who have been so helpful and patient with my anxiety ridden self :oops:
How stressful! Is there a way to put some screening or netting or something around Ms. Badness's nest to keep the chicks in? I would be a bit worried about moving her mid-hatch. She might decide that is her signal to head off with her hatchlings as well, as she might be uncertain if these things in the new, non-preferred location are really "her" eggs. And once they leave the nest, they quite often will refuse to accept any additional chicks.
Also, have any chicks actually fallen out yet? I've had new chicks in an upper next box, and they stayed put with Mom for day at least. They she left the nest and they all found their way down to her. She really had to do some coaxing to get some to make the 18 inch leap down, but they all did it and were fine. I've heard stories of broodies building nest in crazy places and it working out.
What if you are technically challenged like me? I can't for the life of me figure out how to post pictures here... I've wanted to request help determining the gender of my barred rocks for a week now.
Two day grace period!

Judt kidding. Hopefully someone already helped you with uploading pictures-
Edit: just caught up. Seems like some helpful people got you set. Have you got it to work?!
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took a moment for a quick bite to eat as I have had nothing but coffee and iced tea today. Waiting for full on dark, should be soon. I have at least 8 chicks hatched I believe, maybe more will see when we move them. I will have to live with anyone who doesn't hatch over night. Just can't risk where they are now. Have had to help mom keep chicks in nest, keep other adult hens out of her nest and keep chicks from pecking her in the eye, as well as give occasional sips of water she is so worn out, poor thing. I am now her BFF. will give a full count of how many chicks, etc. after the move.
took a moment for a quick bite to eat as I have had nothing but coffee and iced tea today. Waiting for full on dark, should be soon. I have at least 8 chicks hatched I believe, maybe more will see when we move them. I will have to live with anyone who doesn't hatch over night. Just can't risk where they are now. Have had to help mom keep chicks in nest, keep other adult hens out of her nest and keep chicks from pecking her in the eye, as well as give occasional sips of water she is so worn out, poor thing. I am now her BFF. will give a full count of how many chicks, etc. after the move.
8 hatched so far. What an excellent broody Ms. Badness is. :love

It does sound like you have to risk a move and are doing right by your hen. My fingers are crossed for you!

BTW: I have had several newly hatched chicks try to peck at poor Mom's eyes. All of mine have cut it out after a day or two, with no harm to Mom. I think they are attracted to the shininess of the eye. It does seem like a poor reward for all of Mom's work.
8 hatched so far. What an excellent broody Ms. Badness is. :love

It does sound like you have to risk a move and are doing right by your hen. My fingers are crossed for you!

BTW: I have had several newly hatched chicks try to peck at poor Mom's eyes. All of mine have cut it out after a day or two, with no harm to Mom. I think they are attracted to the shininess of the eye. It does seem like a poor reward for all of Mom's work.
Kids hurt their parents! It's what they do!:th
Okay the exact count is 7 chicks total, Miss Badness hatched 5 today and 2 more have pipped. We will see what tomorrow brings! Remember this was a hen to hen egg swapping adventure from the beginning. Miss badness sat on her eggs 1 night and refused to sit the next day unless she could brood in the chicken coop nest. So those eggs went for 1/2 day with no one on them, then this morning the other hen left her nest with only 2 chicks hatched, and 3 pipped and 3 with nothing going on. Those 3 candled all black from what we could see today in a closet with very dark eggs. Right now I feel like we are doing pretty well all things considered. :th

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