Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

This is an excellent post by @3riverschick that I think is worth sharing over and over again until everyone that hatches reads it.

That post by @3riverschick is IMO the best post I've read ALL WEEK. It should be posted front and center on all chick related posts!!! My chicks get PND for the first 2 weeks regardless of the condition they are in.
That post by @3riverschick is IMO the best post I've read ALL WEEK. It should be posted front and center on all chick related posts!!! My chicks get PND for the first 2 weeks regardless of the condition they are in.
I was thinking of asking her to turn it into an article.
Or starting a new thread with it.
I think it explains things perfectly!
Had read this before, but could not remember where. The little guy I hatched yesterday, I taught to eat and drink as soon as he was no longer real wobbly, just tapped index finger into food and water and he got it right off. Didn't eat or drink much but did have a little and did not have to worried that his clutch mates had already been taught by mom and she would not take time to teach him, 'cause she was on to teaching other things.

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