Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

@KikisGirls , sorry you lost the chick, and sorry I haven't been following your thread. :oops:

If the chick just died they might be able to necropsy it, but if it died a day or two ago it's probably started to decompose.
I heard it peeping this time yesterday...I even heard it peeping later then this yesterday.
So I'm guessing it died sometime during the night.

What I want to know is if there a definitive answer as to why a chick doesn't absorb the yolk AND
Is it possible the chick still could have had time to absorb the rest of it if it had air to breath?

@lazy gardener I'm just now getting a chance to look back at the photos and this liquid you are seeing IS the water I poured on the membrane.
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No liquid was coming out of the egg before I put water on the membrane.
I held it at different angles before I put the water on it to see if anything would pour out.
I'm sorry the chick didn't make it. Sometimes they just aren't meant to hatch. :(

I have seen online that chicks can absorb the yolk even if they've already pipped or zipped, but the ones I've seen are usually from a small hatch and had some assistance getting to that point (probably too early assistance) and then they were confined to their shell or a cup in the incubator until they finish absorbing the yolk.
I have the chick in my refrigerator.
I'm still thinking about what to do with it.

I'm learning more towards NOT getting sending it in for a necropsy but have not made up my mind yet.

I am going to see if I can find some studies about why a chick doesn't absorb the sac...although I am not certain (will I ever be with out a necropsy and will a necropsy be enough? :barnie) that not absorbing all the way was a problem...seeing as it still hadn't external pipped.
No. That was autocorrect.

I am 1/4 Korean, though. I actually speak with a slight New Hampshire accent. I was raised there until 5, never quite lost the accent.
THIS is how I read your "you earned point"...
Have you seen her yet?
I don't think an autopsy will tell you any of the "why's" you are seeking. It will tell you that the chick is dead. (You know that) It will tell you that the yolk is not absorbed. (You know that) It may tell you the gestational age of the chick. (You can make an educated guess about that) It will tell you the chick was malpositioned. (You know that) It may tell you if there was bacteria involved. But, it's most likely been too long for the autopsy to be definitive there. Save your money. Buy some hatching eggs, or take the Mex out to dinner. (without the kids!) ;)

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