Kiki's White Trash and or Nerdy Birthday Bash Funeral

Before this white trash party comes to a close I'll step it up a notch.
Well if it's coming to an end.
Here's the last dance.
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Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii. You can get it from undercooked meat that has tissue cysts in it, or by consuming oocysts contained in cat feces (such as by cleaning a litter box or eating food off a dirty countertop).
Can cause flu-like symptoms, miscarriage, and serious birth defects.

Taeniasis is an intestinal tapeworm infection caused by any of the Taenia (tapeworm) species.

Cysticercosis is caused specifically by Taenia solium—pork tapeworm. The larval cysts can infect any tissue in the body, including the eyes and muscles. If they're in the brain or spinal cord, it's called neurocysticercosis, and is the most common cause of preventable epilepsy in the world.
You can get an intestinal tapeworm infection (taeniasis) by eating larval cysts in undercooked pork. Then pigs and other humans get cysticercosis by accidentally ingesting your infected feces.
In poorer parts of the world where pigs live near humans, this is very cyclical and hard to manage

There's plenty more. Trichinosis is similar in that in causes cysts in the muscles. Has a lot of symptoms that don't feel good lol. Very common in wild carnivorous game like bears or hogs.. obviously we screen for it in domestic pork production but it happens.
Anyway I'll stop there before I get really annoying (too late?), you get the point.
Trichinosis in the brain.
:lau sorry :oops: can I study and retake it!? ;)😜:fl

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