Killed on Turkey Day


8 Years
Apr 7, 2011
I keep two Dutch Bantams Roosters loose(free range) because they fight with my SLW Roo...Anyways on Thanksgiving after awhile I noticed that I was missing one. And I got to thinking I didn't see him that morning or all day for that matter. So me and my mother looked everywhere and nothing until I happened to look over and see white specks littering the ground. The white specks turned out to be feathers and near by was the body. All the meat was stripped off the neck and half of the back and chest. I could tell it was a hawk by how clean the kill was I mean the feathers looked like a person plunked him.

I didn't get a picture of the body(Too many kids around)...I'm surprised one of them did not notice him

Thanks but I would be lying if I said I was sad about this...I had 6 roos (well 5 now) and really did not need him plus my big rooster jumped on him and he wasn't right since then(I didn't think he would make it through the winter) I hate to say it but it was kind of a blessing he was killed.
Sometimes natural selection is good even when it is sad.

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