"Kills" primer inside the coop


8 Years
Jun 20, 2011
We're in the process of building our coop and I just had a thought about priming the inside with "Kills" to reduce and potential mold issues in the wood. Any thoughts? Is it safe to use?
Chickens do peck at almost everything so anything that has anything that kills should be avoided if possible. They have strong and sharp claws so they easily could bring some of the paint up. It will probably be safe since it is in the paint and not near the food and water. I personally would not do it but I am very conservative about chemicals and live a very organic lifestyle so it is up to you if you want to add the small amount of Killing chemical to their coops.
They pecked at the primer on the outside of my coop. I painted it dark purple and they left it alone. You can of course get a tinted primer and that will work I'm sure. As long as it isn't red or green.

I wish you the best

I used it without a thought. I'm still not worried. I've just painted it on my new broodycoop/chicken tractor. I'll put a topcoat on - it's not meant to be the final coat. It's a primer, that means the paint will stick very well over it. Keep painting! Easier to clean, etc.
Why can't it be red?

They will peck at anything red. They can peck one of their own to death is they see a sore, or a bloody spot.

Somebody on here got pecked on the toe when they were wearing red nail polish, lol
...my whole coop is red!

There is latex kilz and oil based kilz. As long as they're completely dried they're probably the same as regular paint. They're just highly pigmented to cover stains.

Don't worry about the red coop. My coop has red trim and they never peck it.
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