knitted bird netting


10 Years
Mar 27, 2009
Everett, Washington
Has anyone ever used a knitted bird netting over their yard as you might see in an outdoor aviary?

Here is my dilemma: I have four hens and my small city lot is green no more. I need to reseed the lawn, so I want to keep them out of my yard for a few weeks.

They have a nice coop and large run, and they also have their own yard in which to forage and graze in. The only problem is, they can get over the 5 foot fence and into my yard. There is also a 6 foot fence between their yard and the neighbor, which I’m sure they could get over if they wanted to.

So I was thinking about putting netting over their yard. This would keep them from getting over the fence plus keep wild birds and hawks out.

I was just wondering if anyone has done this and how well it worked. Any other suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
I got a 15x25 aviary net off of e-bay for about $12 dollars + shipping. I just needed something to keep my birds IN, not keep other animals out.

Have you tried clipping one of their wings?
I just hate the idea of clipping wings.

But it might help. It just makes them "fly" crooked when they attempt to take off. I still had problems with some of my laying hens, years ago, and they could still fly over the cattle fencing.
Another thought; If you have access to fish or shrimp netting in large quantities. I've seen one breeder who made his enter run of commercial shrimp netting. It kept the chicks and quails in and the hawks out.
Bird netting or aviary netting is not expensive and you can get it in large sizes if need be. You should be able to find it at local feed stores or garden centers or you can purchase it online. I think it is the ideal solution for what you have described.
Yup, I had the same issue, clipped their wings and they were still getting over the 6 ft. fence, got some bird netting (meant for covering up blueberry bushes, etc), huge amount for like $10 from the local Southern States, kept them in. I feel like a determined hawk could of torn right through it, but we don't really have that problem, it was mostly too keep the girls in.
Yes, I agree with that. It's designed to keep smaller birds out of gardens and fruit bushes. It will not be good protection against birds of prey. If there is a problem with birds of prey, hardware cloth with 1/2 inch mesh would be the better option, but is more expensive than bird netting and would be overkill if there is not significant threat from birds of prey or other predators that can climb in.
The netting will work wonders to keep the girls in for sure but for birds of prey all you need to do is get yourself some wide ribbon or old cheap burnable cd's and hang them on fishing line around the coop where they can turn in the wind and the yard that way the birds of prey can't get a lock on your girls. Belive me I live here in Texas we have birds of prey all over the place.
well i had used knitted netting and its really very effective but just dont forget to hook it from all sides. Bird netting comes in a lot of different sizes so that you can find one to fit the area you are looking to protect. Netting for birds comes in different mesh sizes. Choosing the correct mesh size is important. Netting is another form of physical barrier that stops birds from landing in places that you want to keep them away from.

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