Labored breathing, sneezing, snot like bubbles around nostrils.


Jun 7, 2023

Super worried about my little chick here. She started yesterday with labored breathing and watery eyes. She sneezed really hard a few times. We thought at first that she was choking on something. She had a little foam in her throat and a tiny drop of blood yesterday. The labored breathing has subsided. She’s chirping again but we did quarantine her. Gave her a drop of VetRx under each wing last night before bed. Today she seems better except she has a snot like bubble coming out of her nostril. The closest vet that can see her is a little over an hour away and we can’t make the drive right now. Should i continue with the VetRx or try and make the drive? What else can I do for her and my other chicks?
Welcome to BYC. Where did the chick come from—a hatchery, a breeder, feed store, or swap meet/sale? Do you see any bubbles in either eye? Is she sneezing or shaking her head to clear her beak of mucus? It sounds like a respiratory infection, such as infectious bronchitis, mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG,) or other. Vet Rx is an herbal oil, and has nothing to treat a respiratory disease. Tylan 50 injectable, Tylosin powder, or oxytetracycline are some of the antibiotics that treat MG. IB is a virus, and that has to run it’s course over a month or so, and antibiotics will do nothing. Most respiratory diseases are spread by carriers or direct exposure to the disease, and symptoms can show up in a few days once exposed.
Welcome to BYC. Where did the chick come from—a hatchery, a breeder, feed store, or swap meet/sale? Do you see any bubbles in either eye? Is she sneezing or shaking her head to clear her beak of mucus? It sounds like a respiratory infection, such as infectious bronchitis, mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG,) or other. Vet Rx is an herbal oil, and has nothing to treat a respiratory disease. Tylan 50 injectable, Tylosin powder, or oxytetracycline are some of the antibiotics that treat MG. IB is a virus, and that has to run it’s course over a month or so, and antibiotics will do nothing. Most respiratory diseases are spread by carriers or direct exposure to the disease, and symptoms can show up in a few days once exposed.
I got four chicks from a farm swap and six from tractor supply. No bubbles in her eyes. She was sneezing and shaking her head yesterday when we first noticed that something was wrong but she isn’t today. A lady at our farm and feed store recommended the oil. I just don’t understand where she would have picked something up. We let them run around the yard for a about twenty minutes on Monday, could she have picked something up from the grass? How would I know which illness it is?
They can pick it up from other chickens at a swap meet or from the place they came from. If it is infectious bronchitis, it can take a month or so to get over, and then she would be a carrier for up to 5 months. If it is MG, it would make her a carrier for life.
They can pick it up from other chickens at a swap meet or from the place they came from. If it is infectious bronchitis, it can take a month or so to get over, and then she would be a carrier for up to 5 months. If it is MG, it would make her a carrier for life.
Wouldn’t she have shown symptoms before now? I’ve had her for almost a month.

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