Lack of eggs


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 30, 2011
I have an EE who lays soft shelled eggs. One got broken inside and I had to manually pull the shell out. She then went into a short molt, and did lay another egg for like 3 weeks. She laid a few hard eggs and then I started finding yolks in the coop, under the roost pole again. The she broke another soft egg inside, this time the shell did not come out, she seemed not herself for. Few day and then was better. Now the molt thing again. She eats and everything else normal. My others chickens have been treated for lice fora while now, and I have been treating her as well, even though I never see the lice or eggs on her. Could it be the pesticides? I have oyster shell in the fed and as free choice. I also have a sex link that stopped laying all together. I got her from someone, is it possible she is just older than suspected? She was laying wrinkly looking eggs, her eggs were Always a little strange. Please help!
Wow sweetie, my friends had a hen that would only lay soft shelled eggs no matter what he tried and I took in one hen that wont lay a egg at all ever. They where gona eat her cause of it and thought a change of enviroment might kick her into gear lol. Nope she still doesnt lay any eggs and will get up in the nest box make a potty mess out of them and break any eggs that are layed by other hens. Geesh wish I knew what to tell ya to do to make it better. Maybe google it and it could bring you a answer. I sometimes find answers that way.
I just went through a spell with my hens a for a few weeks. I'm hoping they're coming out of it now. I got several soft shell eggs and found a couple broken ones in the nest boxes and on the roosts. I had only found 2 in the previous 12 months. While this is happening, my egg production went from about 17-19 a day from 22 hens, to 6-8 for about 2 weeks. I had no idea what was going on, and I'm actually still not sure. Everyone looked fine, acted fine, ate and drank fine...and they get plenty of yogurt, goat milk and other calcium rich treats, they free range all day, and they have oyster shell free choice.
So, anyway, I was searching for what it might be the problem and found a thread on worms. I never suspected them, and still don't know if they had/have them. Like I said, there were no signs of that. I didn't really want to worm them since it said how hard it is on them, then I read about putting cayenne pepper in the feed for a natural worming treatment. It also said that pepper would jump start lagging egg laying. Skeptical, I tried it. I peppered the feed in the feeders until it looked a little "rusty".(just for 1 day) Then I peppered some rice (made with goat milk), and noodles for them. Nothing at first, but after doing it several days, production is going up, 15 eggs, 3 days in a row now, and not a soft one in the bunch. I peppered their feed again today, since it said to do it once, and then 10 days later, and so that's it for putting the cayenne in the feeder, but every other day I still plan on peppering a morning treat for them. Something made them start laying. I use black and cayenne on the treats.
Maybe you could try this for your hen...On the days off of the pepper, I give them some oatmeal (made with goat milk) yogurt and some apple sauce. Yep, spoiled, and ultimately, ruint chickens. lol Hope this helps.

Oh, and you can look it up on this sight, just search pepper and egg laying or natural worming, or low egg production...If you can't find it, and want it let me know, and I'll see if I can dig up the link.
Good luck!
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I suspected this as well. I added the pepper to their water. I did it before in the winter when I had a sick bird and it perked her up, but she still didn't make it. There are so many flies, so maybe it is worms. I use DE and clean the outdoor pen and coop weekly. Now that I'm off for the summer, I could do the pen twice weekly to manage the flies. I have never added pepper to the food, don't know if it matters if it is the food or the water. I also give them yogurt or something neutral on the off days. Pepper is hard on their tummies. I hope this works. Thanks for the info!

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