Lame Chicken


13 Years
May 12, 2011
My husband stepped on our Buff Orphington pullet. She's always underfoot and he didn't see her. Now she is limping around - second day - and has to sit to eat as she loses her balance. She does walk around and roost and I can't see anything obvious. However, she's obviously in pain and she stay back and under the house now which makes sense to me given her limited mobility - safer under the house. Anything I should be doing or is this something time will heal? I have been feeding her special treats!
I am not completely sure. I know that you should have water and feed next to her at all times, and carry her to sleep in the coop. That way predators won't get ahold of her. be sure the others don't pick on her. wish I could be of more help!
Little up date on this in case others have lame hens. She is healing very slowly, but definitely on the mend. For the first week, she just hobbled around, flopped over when she tried to eat standing, and mostly just hid under the porch. But now she's out and around and walks only with the slightest limp - mostly when she is running. So, it was just a matter of time for her to heal. Much slower than our dog takes.
Thanks for posting an update on your hen! One of my jersey giants had her foot stepped on by a horse a few weeks back and while there is swelling, there's no obvious point of injury. I've had her in a cage to limit her movement and I've been giving her aspirin when it looks like the swelling is worse or she's in pain. I'm glad to know that just because it's taking longer to heal, there's still hope.

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