Langshan contest!

oh, wow! Dusty is beautiul she looks like she has a lot of personality
thanks...she is a total doll! well to her people.....funny thing is that she is the biggest girl we have and all the others make her wait to eat, they never go after her, but she is scared of all the others even the littlest polish, she tends to hang close to our cochin roo, I have a few of her eggs in the gopher-bator and cant wait to see the babies from her and the Buff Cochin Nikki!!
chickndaddy, mine all are hens. I think there may be some crossing in them because one lays blue eggs and one has white speckles in her black feathers. The others seem to be purebred.
They started out as egg-eaters when they arrived, but got over that after about 2 months, and now they never do (6 months later). They've been fierce mothers, very protective, and hatching nest after nest. They are very shy and stay away from the other breed hens, and they make a pretty warbling sound when they cackle.
Here are some of my black lanshans at a few days old.

A lovely pair.

Here is a picture of one of them at a few months old.

Here is one of our white ones at a few months old (Roo).
WOW reveriereptile I would LOVe to introduce your white roo to my Dusty!!!! what a handsome pair they would be!!!

Here is a pic of Dusty today playing in the wood pile area
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They are a very rare breed that is probably why the contest is having trouble. I saw some very nice black langshans at the fair this year I would love to add one or two to my layer flock.


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