Langshan Thread!!!

Wow! I can't imagine seeing 100 Langshans all in the same place. How lucky! And congrats on the RV.
Yeah, I had to go get myself a large drink before I dehydrated myself from all my drooling!!!

Thx for the congrats.
Very sad news fellow Langshan lovers, the chicks I was hoping to be Langshan have really yellowed their legs the past week (moving them to larger brooder I noticed this today) and I feel very confident that they are instead white Cochin large fowl. So I remain Langshanless. A situation that will be remedied at some point.
I have some in the brooder. And eggs coming everyday. Also more eggs hatching out. If you would like to try mine. They seem to be very large. And from good Northeast stock....Nick
I have two bantam Langshan cockerels from the same hatch and was wondering how they stack up against the breed standard. I'm new to the breed and to chickens in general. Thanks everyone!

First roo.

Second roo. He's finally getting a tail. I called him "Fluffer butt" for the longest time as he didn't have a tail, only a puff. As you can see the tail is still sprouting, but he is getting stockier and heavier than the first roo (although he started as the runt)

Just got my first Langshan chick a few days ago! So excited! Since they grow slower what's good age to transition them off chick feed?
I'll step up to the plate on BooPeep's Langshan cockerels. As always, I am commenting on the birds exclusively, without any intent to offend, and I'm just one person's opinion. You didn't say how old they were so I'm making some assumptions. The second cockerel looks like his chest color is decent, I'd be worried about the unevenness in the hackle and what looks like might be some brown tint, but it's obviously not all grown in yet either. The head on cockerel number one looks ok, not much of a blade on his comb but the points and size conform to standard and he is not crow headed or anything. Cockerel number two's comb is not correct although that is a minor cut.

The weakness of both these birds to me is in the top line. Their backs seem very long and the junction between the tail and the back looks very abrupt which is not correct. The back should be broad and short, raising in a smooth concave sweep to the tail. The fluff at the base of the tail is also very objectionable but due to the age of the birds their saddles haven't fully grown in yet and may, or may not cover that as the saddle feathers should be flowing and abundant.

Hopefully that helps a little.
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