Langshan Thread!!!

Any opinions on SandHill Preservation Center's Langshans?
I just wanted their white jersey giants but they had a max of ten. Minimum order is twenty five so I added the max of five blue langshan and ten black langshan.
Anyone know anyone who has got their stock?

I personally have not seen Sandhill Preservation Center's Langshans. There use to be a Yahoo Langshan Group, and I searched the message history for Sandhill. In 2008 someone asked the same question about Sandhill. Only one or two people responded and said they did not have good show quality Langshans. Sorry i am not much help.
Good luck!

My first two blue langshans.... I'm really excited for these (hopefully) gals. My Jersey Giant wants to be the Mama through the fence but when I let them out she runs.

My first two blue langshans.... I'm really excited for these (hopefully) gals. My Jersey Giant wants to be the Mama through the fence but when I let them out she runs.
Very cute! I still don't have my Langshan breeding pen set up. Seeing your chicks makes me determined to get it done soon!
I personally have not seen Sandhill Preservation Center's Langshans. There use to be a Yahoo Langshan Group, and I searched the message history for Sandhill. In 2008 someone asked the same question about Sandhill. Only one or two people responded and said they did not have good show quality Langshans. Sorry i am not much help.
Good luck!

Ohh, that's what I figured anyway, who knows I'll see what I get. Never even thought about them until I ordered them and found this thread, supposed to get them May 5. I was a little worried because they now have on there website no blues left for 2015, but they told me I will be getting them. I have been inspired by the pics on this thread, and your avatar looks amazing!
Ohh, that's what I figured anyway, who knows I'll see what I get. Never even thought about them until I ordered them and found this thread, supposed to get them May 5. I was a little worried because they now have on there website no blues left for 2015, but they told me I will be getting them. I have been inspired by the pics on this thread, and your avatar looks amazing!
Please post pics of them when you get them.
Chances are you have a cockerel.  If the wing bows have not feathered in at about the same rate as the rest of the bird, it is more than likely a cockerel.  
Rodriguez poultry would you consider looking at my pic under gender or breed forum posted on the 23rd, i have received voted that this bird is a cockral, but was supose to be a BA, but is definately not, farmer did have Brahmas too, as well as just about everything. But this looks soo much like a black langshan too my newby eyes, and feathered in faster than some of the other pullets of same age, same farmer...dif breed... Maybe its wishful thinking but i adore this chicken and don't want to rehome it,unless absolutely, positively sure its a roo. Seem langshan look a little different than others at that age. Sure would apreciate it
Hello Jaye, I wrote on your post but will need updated photos. With the birds the breeder claims he has the chance is that it is a poor quality Brahma mixed with an Australorp.
Tell me what body parts in paticular, i will have to get help with the photos, he's so gregarious if he sees the camera he comes right up to it for a CLOSE look. When he roosts on my right arm, camera in left he wants to climb up to my shoulder... very cute. I really cant thank you enough. Tomorrow I'll try for more photos.

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