Langshan Thread!!!

If this is a major issue for you you really need to clean coops more often. Feet feathers are going to get a little dirty, but if they're totally stained or clumped with droppings...that's a management issue.
I clean mine out completely every 5 or so days. I hate it when my coops get dirty. Plus the cleaner the coop the less likely they will get sick. Now for the non show/breeder birds. I have a tendency to let the coop get a little a dirtier since they don't need to be in top condition at the moment.
I clean mine out completely every 5 or so days. I hate it when my coops get dirty. Plus the cleaner the coop the less likely they will get sick. Now for the non show/breeder birds. I have a tendency to let the coop get a little a dirtier since they don't need to be in top condition at the moment.

Breeder coops get done about once a month here longer if it's dry. But yeah When getting birds ready for show, especially after washing weekly for colored and every couple days for the White Langshans.
I clean mine out completely every 5 or so days. I hate it when my coops get dirty. Plus the cleaner the coop the less likely they will get sick. Now for the non show/breeder birds. I have a tendency to let the coop get a little a dirtier since they don't need to be in top condition at the moment.
Yeah...I won't even pretend that I can do that! lol! Mine depends on if it's raining or has rained in the past 2 or 3 days. If so, can't use the wheelbarrow to take the litter to the back pasture.

Right now it's coming in handy thanks to the ridiculous temperatures.
I'll play guess the sex! I've got 19 BBS & W 6 week old Langshans that I am pretty sure who is who. There are just a few that I'm on the fence about. I need to set up a photo shoot before they get much bigger!

Here are my guesses for your chicks:

01 Penguin Girl
02 Shy Fly Boy
03 Pigeon Toe Girl
04 Nessie Girl
05 Jewel Boy (Sorry!)
06 Wight Band Boy
07 Sapphire Girl
08 Fluff Puff Boy
09 Bernice Girl
10 Pigeon Girl

I know Way passed do but; Found your post to my game wile looking back through my passed posts & found it funny that you Had it Right On, they trued out exactly as you guessed
Way to Go!
Here is a better pic of him standing also from on top and behind

Ok, so these pictures highlight a few things for me. 1) He really needs to develop that chest. It's flat, and really we want a rounded breast, think wineglass shape, not martini glass. He's young you said so this could fill in with time. I had/have this issue with my White cock bird and he is finally filling in at oh, about 15-16 months now. Not ideal but workable, pick females with a really full breast. 2) He does carry his width all the way through his body and doesn't taper.

His tail spread from behind is ok. You'll want to keep an eye on this in his offspring. You want a rounded arch, not a teepee/wedge shape.
yeah during cold weather I am fond of the compost method where I just keep laying in more pine shavings on top of the old dirty stuff because it actually warms the henhouse to have it start to compost on the floor we have had record cold weather in Texas where despite two pipe wraps I still had one day where water was frozen in the pipes and took two hours to get it flowing again so yeah that
So I have three Langshans (all hens hopefully) but one of them is completely black almost no red in the combs and waddles even and oddly enough this one behaves differently than the other two. For example this one is less tame and go nuts with evasive maneuvers when I try to pick her up to say toss her back in the pen area if she escaped to the great wild outdoors. This is the only chicken that does this the other 11 all squat when I approach to allow me to pick them up but this one different looking all black Langshan has a different view of the world.

Anyone seen this or anything like this before?
So I have three Langshans (all hens hopefully) but one of them is completely black almost no red in the combs and waddles even and oddly enough this one behaves differently than the other two.  For example this one is less tame and go nuts with evasive maneuvers when I try to pick her up to say toss her back in the pen area if she escaped to the great wild outdoors.  This is the only chicken that does this the other 11 all squat when I approach to allow me to pick them up but this one different looking all black Langshan has a different view of the world.

Anyone seen this or anything like this before?
I have 3 black hens and one blue hen, the 3 black hens combs were black until point of lay. Now they're bright red like normal

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