Langshan Thread!!!

I have some Hedemora and Bielefelder in the incubator. The former probably aren't suited for my climate but really no breed is. If I like them I was thinking about getting a portable swamp cooler that can connect to a garden hose, even before I got the Hedemora eggs. The dry climate here lends itself well to evaporation. If it works I'll probably move into the coop July-August.
How fun! I wish that I was able to add some more breeds to my list. My dream is to buy a house with some land so I don't have to keep my breeding flocks at someone else's property.
My black Langshan is growing up. I have been reading and I think he is not bad, not perfect, but not bad. His tail is not pinched. His back doesn't narrow, his legs look good, long, not bowed or knock kneed but I don't know about the rest. He is 3 1/2 months.

Is he that bad or can nobody see him?
Was just giving others a chance to chime in. At such a young age it's hard to tell much. The biggest concern I would have right now with him is that is an awfully long looking back.
I will wait a little while and try again. Thanks. I'm just hoping ok so far. He is so pretty. It still looks like only 1 or 2 hens , maybe.
Is he that bad or can nobody see him?
I was thinking he's too young to judge as well. At this time I like the shape of his primary tail feathers, forming a horseshoe rather than a teepee. He does have a long back. Of the grand total of four cockerels I've grown, the one with the longest back when he was younger probably has the best back line now from the side. The one I thought had the nicest back has gone a little squirrel tail now that he's10 or 11 months. Your boy will continue to change for sure. In any case if he's the best you've got then thats what you go with. I'm learning there's no perfect bird. They should change the name of that book to "Moving Towards Perfection".
I was thinking he's too young to judge as well. At this time I like the shape of his primary tail feathers, forming a horseshoe rather than a teepee. He does have a long back. Of the grand total of four cockerels I've grown, the one with the longest back when he was younger probably has the best back line now from the side. The one I thought had the nicest back has gone a little squirrel tail now that he's10 or 11 months. Your boy will continue to change for sure. In any case if he's the best you've got then thats what you go with. I'm learning there's no perfect bird. They should change the name of that book to "Moving Towards Perfection".
I am waiting not so patiently for them to grow up. They are my favorites, even if almost all boys.
It's looking less and less likely that I have any females. I am still holding out hope for my one large white one. But it started getting two feathers on the top of the tail that look like they might be sickle feathers. 7 Langshans and all boys.

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