Large bird killed one of my chickens

Yes I think it was a red tail
Good news the last missing RIR just came out of the woods , seems very traumatized. She was very scared to leave the cover of the woods to get to the coop. I had to go back in my house before she ran across to the coop. Then I had to go let her in because I locked up the rest of the chickens.

I'm glad everyone is accounted for!
Yes I think it was a red tail
Good news the last missing RIR just came out of the woods , seems very traumatized. She was very scared to leave the cover of the woods to get to the coop. I had to go back in my house before she ran across to the coop. Then I had to go let her in because I locked up the rest of the chickens.

They learned a valuable lesson today, keep an eye to the sky. Mine still do this and also react to large shadows as they cross the yard. If you don't mind them, a couple loose brush piles will give them something to run to when the hawk is in the area or on an attack run. I have a blackberry patch, and the back of the yard has been let go back to wild. They use these as well as the crab apple tree the is bushy and is draping the ground.
Rocky Mountains-Lots of hawks, eagles. huge black birds? here.
I strung up glittery wire from Christmas and other holiday decorations. They criss cross the whole chicken yard which is very big, maybe 50 ft x 30 ft. They tied some old video tape which is black and shiny and flutters in the breeze. Attached other glittery holiday decos here and there. So far so good.
They learned a valuable lesson today, keep an eye to the sky. Mine still do this and also react to large shadows as they cross the yard. If you don't mind them, a couple loose brush piles will give them something to run to when the hawk is in the area or on an attack run. I have a blackberry patch, and the back of the yard has been let go back to wild. They use these as well as the crab apple tree the is bushy and is draping the ground.
Yes I'm thinking that's why it got one of the young RIR, didn't know to run and hide. The leghorns learned this lesson last year.

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